Creating More Space and Time In Your Life®

How would you like to have more time for friends or for hobbies, or to get away for more weekend trips? Merely living today and participating in society guarantees that both your time and mental, physical, and emotional energy will be depleted if you lack the proper vantage point from which to approach each day, manage your to-do list, manage interruptions, and conduct your life. Learn the principles for creating the space and time you want to have, and add back the fun! (Presentation materials include slides, handout packets, and article reprints. Reinforcement resources include book and CD.)

Creating More Space and Time In Your Life®, Presentation Topics:

  • What They Didn’t Teach You in College
  • Time Management Has Its Limits
  • Time and Productivity
  • Interruptions Are Endless
  • Creating Space and Time Every Day
  • Harnessing Creative Procrastination
  • The Ecstasy of Living in the Moment
  • Creative Calendar Management
  • Life Is a Series of Choices, Then You Die
  • Choosing Breathing Space
  • Rediscovering Your Leisurely Self

Flyers From Previous Presentations

Farmers, roster
ERC Las Vegas

Supporting Articles

All Work,
no Play

of Deskmanship

Conditioning Your Environment

Hard Day Away
from the Office

Help for

More Workable Desk Space


Your System

Your Weekends

for Our Times

A Sampling of Letters

Adams Electric

Avera QofP

Beauty Conversation

Carrollton JHS


IS Learning
Jenkins Realty
NC State
U.S. Army


I enjoyed your presentation very much. First, you are very enthusiastic to listen to and to watch. I have gone to a lot of presentations in my career and it is really important to engage the audience. I agree with your concept of, in order to have harmony in one’s life, one must learn to slow down and breathe. I think the 36 minutes you took to cover your topics was perfect. Your one-page takeaway will go into the book of positive influences that I collect. Thank you for the opportunity to hear your presentation.
— Patricia Mangiameli, Consultant, Muzak, Omaha, NE

I came in expecting to learn how to get better organized to have more time in my personal life, and I left excited about what my what life could be. Your philosophy about “breathing space” is so different from other organizing methods I’ve encountered. It encompasses your whole life: organizing, prioritizing, working, relaxing, exercising, thinking, and even sleeping. It just made sense to me and resonated with a part of me that has been searching for solutions in this world of insane busyness and workaholism. It’s not possible to get enough information on the work-life balance and breathing space in a two-day seminar, so I’m very glad I took advantage of the additional reading material you offered. Thank you for giving me the tools and the encouragement to be able to have a more enjoyable life.
— Beverly Wade, Project Manager, Navy Energy Program, Norfolk, VA

Enjoyed your presentation — you have a delightful manner and lively style. I need more breathing space!!
— Susan Windsor, Brookdale Assisted Living, Hockessin, DE

We have heard nothing but favorable comments from the delegates and anticipate that your sessions will be highly rated when the conference evaluation forms are compiled. Thank you for going all out to make the opening keynote, “Relaxing at High Speed,” a high note that will be remembered by all who attended. It was a pleasure to have you with us in Springdale, and if we can be of assistance to you in the future, please do not hesitate to call us.
— Nancy Clark, Conference Coordinator, ADPT, Little Rock, AR

Thank you very much for coming on May 10 to visit the Jaycees and to talk about “Breathing Space.” I’m happy to report that I already make use of some of the techniques you mentioned, and now I hope to employ even more! I already scanned your handout onto my computer and recycled the paper to reduce the clutter! The things I found especially helpful from your presentation were the following:
  • Realizing that no one in the world can keep up with all of the information provided to us. I shouldn’t feel guilty if I don’t know about all the latest news, books, movies, etc. This is a relief!
  • Paper! I am constantly dealing with piles of paper around my house. If I make scanning important documents (and recycling the rest) a priority in my life, I will feel less ANXIETY. Now, I realize that the investment in a scanner that can easily and quickly store my documents is an investment worth making!
  • I found your list of “What You Can Do with the Time” very helpful. I can turn to it when I have small amounts of time on my hands, and I want to be productive.
  • The “Differentials” list gives me a detailed description of what my life will look like with “Breathing Space.” That’s a nice to have! Thank you again for speaking with our group.
— Laurie Osborn, Regional Director, JayCees, Raleigh NC

I was very impressed with your message; it was right for me!! I am your ideal audience, though not the ideal candidate to put your suggestions into practice… I need much more breathing space. I will use your words to ponder a solution to my future health and increased breathing space.
— Susan Fewell, MS, CVE, Charlotte Institute of Rehabilitation, Charlotte, NC

I very much enjoyed your presentation. The information you imparted about eight hours of sleep nightly has changed my life. I have shared with others the importance of “completion” of tasks before starting others.
—Jack Bailey, Executive VP, California Pacific Medical CTR, San Francisco, CA

I have found your presentation to be most helpful. I found that after being there I was already making my own breathing space. I need to remember to let others have their own breathing space also. I really found the involvement of the others to be very helpful. We are all in the same boat and really need to network to see what has and has not worked. Why reinvent the wheel when someone already has made one?
— Deb Kambel, Huron Area Center for Independence, Huron, SD

You are a dynamic and motivational speaker. I was amazed to see that the day had flown by. You kept us interacting and involved. Great job, you have found your passion. It is evident in your craft!
— Pamela Higgins, Nurse Manager, South Shore Visiting Nurse Association, Braintree, MA

I enjoyed your presentation on how to gain more control of my life. I look forward to injecting more breathing space into my daily routine.
— Cameron Cole, Vanguard Managed Solutions, Mansfield, MA

A great day in Sedona. You enhanced my awareness of things that I had a “gut” feeling about but could not identify. Lots of “ah ha’s!” It has changed my approach to career and life in particular. We designers have a job to do. And sooner, rather than later. Thanks for the boost.
— Diane Worth, FASID, President, Carleton Group, Phoenix, AZ

I would like to thank you for your presentation entitled “Breathing Space.” I attended the recent IBAA conference in Hawaii and want to thank you for the advice on how to better handle my life.
— Lu Ann Miller, Asst VP of Marketing, Farmers and Merchants, Beach, ND

Thank you for participating in the ASID retreat in Sedona. I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. It was a wonderful setting in which to have a seminar with topics such as yours. Your energy level was contagious and I enjoyed the style with which you shared the presentation. The program was very much worth my time and money.
— Lu Ann Holmes, ASID, Haworth, Inc., Park Hills, KY

I very much enjoyed your talk; your observations and suggestions were a bit startling, but on reflection, quite astute.
— Scott Chellberg, Chief Information Services Division, Technology Services Organization, Indianapolis, IN

Thanks so much for your thought-provoking presentation on Breathing Space at our 26th Annual Meeting and Trade Show in Bermuda last month. Your ideas on freeing yourself from the constraints of a cluttered life will certainly help all of us who heard your speech. Please don’t hesitate to call on me if I can be of any assistance. Thanks again for a terrific speech.
— Julian Hester, Executive Director, Community Bankers Association of Georgia

Your presentation at our conference was excellent, as was your book, Breathing Space.
— D. Kenneth Greer, President, First National Bank, Mt. Vernon, TX

I found your presentation at breakfast at the Community Banker’s Association conference in Topeka, Kansas, this morning very interesting. I am already very committed to the concept of being proactive, as compared to reactive. I find that I already employ several of your suggestions, and am always interested in improvement. It is gratifying to know I’m doing something else right! I want to thank you for removing my usually successfully suppressed guilt about not reading every word of every newspaper and periodical that crosses my path! I have long felt that it was one of my faults that I could not keep up with all of it, as everyone else seems to imply they do. I will enjoy my new freedom from guilt. P.S. I learn well; I’m not even keeping a copy of this letter!
— Janis C. Bunker, CTFA, Senior Vice President and Trust Officer, The Trust Company of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

I enjoyed your presentation very much. The “mega-trends” that you mentioned seemed to hit home with me. I went home from the conference and set time limits in my home on television as well as radio. I feel you really opened my eyes. Thanks so much for the information. My next step is to read Breathing Space.
— Allen R. Weyand, Account Manager, DCI, Hutchinson, KS

Your presentation to The CPA Forum was outstanding and we want to thank you again for taking the time to be with our group. You received very high marks on all the participants’ evaluations and many indicated they were going to contact you for additional information and materials. Personally, I’ve always know there were forces at work destroying my space and time, but until your presentation, I never understood where or what they were. Now I know the enemy and can begin to take back my space. Thanks again for an excellent presentation!
— Donald R. Monroe, CFP, VP–Investments, Paine Webber Inc., Raleigh, NC

My wife and I had breakfast with you before the Breathing Space seminar held in June at the Grove Park Inn. When we saw the CLE summary, Karen and I were disappointed that the program committee was spending so much time on non-technical CLE. To be candid, we were not looking forward to your session. You quickly dispelled our preconceived ideas and we found ourselves learning a great deal and also enjoying ourselves in the process. If I am ever in a position to have input concerning continuing education for attorneys in Indiana, I would be happy recommending that you be employed to present your Breathing Space seminar. Thanks again.
— Warren Haas, Attorney at Law, Marion, IN

This is just a short note to let you know how much I enjoyed the presentation you made on Saturday. It was as though you were holding a BIG mirror in front of me as so many of the things you were describing I could see in my own behavior. Needless to say, I was impressed with your message as well as your manner and delivery of the presentation. I wish my wife could have been in attendance because I think she too would have found it valuable. …I go on vacation during the first two weeks of August and I intend to stay out of touch with the office entirely if at all possible. I do intend to take your book “Breathing Space.” Thanks for opening my eyes a bit wider!
— David Neitzel, Vasa Brougher, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

I was very pleasantly surprised by the presentation you made at our management meeting. As you may be aware, your presentation was on our agenda with the heading “Time Management,” and I was prepared for another boring lecture on how to better manage my time and pack more things into my day. Your approach to Breathing Space and the realities of trying to do business and have a personal life in the ’90s was refreshing and confirmed the approach I have been implementing in my own life. I look forward to seeing you again in the future and wish you continued success.
— Gary Paxton, President & CEO, Dollar Rent A Car, El Segundo, CA

Thanks for helping me to throw my “stress” overboard on our recent Meridian Cruise! You were a real lifesaver…good thing you were scheduled early on in the cruise so I didn’t have to carry it around any longer. I will be looking forward to receiving Breathing Space; I need all the help I can get during these “downsizing” times.
— Del White, Civic Affairs Assistant, Unocal Corporation, Los Angeles, CA

As we discussed, I have listened to your audio program, Selling Yourself, and I am already implementing many of the steps you suggest. The program is hard-hitting, motivational and filled with nuggets of practical information that most professionals cannot afford to miss! I hope to meet you in person sometime in the near future. Let’s stay in touch.
— John R. Bedosky, Norwest Capital Advisers, Chicago, IL

Your presentation that I attended at ERC’s Management Symposium in Boca Raton last month was fantastic. Thank you for delivering such “high impact” information, that can be used in everyday life. I’m still working on those horizontal surfaces (aircraft carrier decks). Additionally your business card is a great reference.
— Stuart Brandon, Corporate Marketing Manager, Contempo Realty, Inc., San Jose, CA

“Dear Captain Warner,” Just a note to tell you how very much I enjoyed the above-referenced lecture series. Mr. Davidson’s enthusiasm and insights were for me a valuable part of the Princess Cruise experience. In fact, I expect that the information I secured from the series will benefit me much more than the monetary cost of the entire cruise. Such programs, and Mr. Davidson’s in particular, should be encouraged and continued. Many thanks for all the kindnesses and courtesies extended to us by you and your fine crew. Sincerely,
— Donald M. Bolas, Attorney at Law, Palm Desert, CA

I attended your lecture aboard the Meridian during the November 21st to December 2nd cruise. I found your lecture on “Breathing Space” very interesting.
— Arthur Kruger, President, Musicians’ Square Club, New York, NY

I am a student at UNC-Wilmington, and I attended the SMEI meeting where you gave a presentation. As a graduating senior, I found your speech to be very enlightening. I will follow the “fresh air” principles and other recommendations as you have discussed them. I believe these will benefit me in my upcoming career. I enjoyed your presentation and feel breathing space is essential to everyone.
— Andrea L. Barber, senior, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, NC

Nice show last Friday. Many thanks for providing a thoughful, lively celebration for all of us.
— Ed Tower, Ph.D., Professor and Director, Undergraduate Economics Studies, Duke University, Durham NC

I enjoyed meeting you and speaking with you, and listening to and absorbing your presentation. Your enthusiasm was contagious! I’ll be attending Georgetown University this fall to study for my Ph.D. in international affairs… Thank you for assisting me.
— Ken Rutherford, International Rescue Committee, Denver, CO

Your session on “Breathing Space” was the highlight of the convention as far as I’m concerned. Thanks for the book, I plan to read it immediately, if I can stop my wife from reading it first. Keep in touch, I’d like to know about other books and seminars.
— Henry Greenwood, Coldwell Banker, Hamilton & Williams, Cleveland, TN

On behalf of the Homes For Living Real Estate Network, thank you for speaking at our recent convention. Your session received high marks. Everyone felt it was a great convention. Good luck with your book and keep in touch.
— Jane M. Shafran, Executive Vice President, Homes For Living, Fairfax, VA

Thank you for attending the Gilbarco sales meeting in Orlando, Fl., and for your most enthusiastic and enlightening presentation on “Breathing Space.” This was one of our most enjoyable sales meetings in several years, thanks to you.
— Rich Mariani, National Accounts Manager, Gilbarco, Wayne, PA

Thank you for the intriguing presentation you gave at the meeting on Friday. I have to say that I went away thinking of life with a different perspective. I think the aspect of your presentation that I enjoyed the most was that you focused on just how long each of us are expected to live! So many times people seem to focus on how short life is and how this world is going to heck that I think most people don’t realize how long they really will live. Your presentation, coupled with the serious illness of a close family member, really made it hit home how important it is to live each day to the fullest. In closing, thank you for your “fresh” outlook on the future. I took a new route to work this morning AND didn’t turn on the radio!!!
— Connie L. Kissel, Sales Manager, Marriott Hotel Research Triangle, Morrisville, NC

I was so glad to attend your presentation with my husband at the Georgia Community Bankers Association in Bermuda. Your topic, “Breathing Space,” was exactly what I needed to hear in relation to my lifestyle as a full-time computer and Spanish teacher, wife, and mother of four elementary-age children. Yes, I have been able to apply the Breathing Space Action Steps every day to my daily activities at home and school. I am, finally, finding time for myself, and for each family member. I also feel better! Thank you for presenting a very useful and interesting topic.
— Bunny H. Duncan, High School Teacher, Carrollton, GA

Just a note to let you know how much I enjoyed your presentation at the Underwriters Association meeting. I do need some Breathing Space and would really appreciate receiving additional resources.
— Cassie Knapp, Spencer, Knapp & Associates, Virginia Beach, VA

After attending your workshop, I’m tossing out all kinds of things. I actually have closet and drawer space as well as room in my desks. My garbage men are walking around with a limp from carrying out all my “stuff”. Seriously, I’ve been looking at my things a lot differently. They now have to be worth the space they occupy, or they get relocated.
— Rachel M. King, Director, Corporate Communications, IPCI Limitd, Racine, WI

I enjoyed your presentation on “Breathing Space.” I have been putting your suggestions to work. Keeping my desk clear of clutter has definitely been a plus. Thanks for a great presentation.
— Maria C. Hall, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce, S. Padre Island, TX

I find I now have breathing space. For however long it lasts, the effect of your seminar has had a beneficial effect on our office. I have, for the first time, noted two of my associates, who like myself were in attendance at your presentation, now maintain a clear, clean, orderly desk. Your subject, delivered with a flair for the dramatic, was provocative and a highlight of the convention.
— Jim Reynolds, GRI Realtor, Jenkins Realty Company, Vonore, TN

Thank you for your energetic and insightful presentation at the CPA Forum. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Your material was great. By the way, one of the best moves our family made was cutting off our cable TV service. The withdrawal is painful, but we five are all better off now. Stay in touch.
— Jim Anthony, Jr., President, Anthony & Company Commercial Real Estate, Raleigh, NC

It was a delightful experience listening to your Breathing Space presentation at the recent Annual Meeting in Texas. Yours was the first presentation scheduled early on Saturday morning and it was dynamic and referred to throughout the rest of the meeting. Those that chose to sleep in, and arrive later your presentation, expressed their disappointment with themselves. Thanks for the insight that has reduced my daily stress level. I look forward to inviting you back to speak again.
— Karen Burns, Vice President Operations, ETO Sterilization, Linden, NJ

I recently had the pleasure of hearing you speak at a convention I was attending. Your message regarding breathing space was right on the money. I was so impressed, I purchased your book.
— Dennis Yunk, Director of Finance, The Sheboygan Clinic, Sheboygan, WI

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and expertise with the members in Columbus. It was a pleasure working with you, Jeff. Congratulations on a job well done. You’ll be pleased to see that all your efforts were appreciated. The following are some comments:
  • “Lots of ideas to take home and share with my daughter who keeps everything!”
  • “Absolutely great!”
  • “I can’t wait to go home and re-align my life!”
  • “There’s hope for me!”
  • “The most useful session I’ve attended so far.”
  • “Great speaker! Somehow he knew exactly how to put a name to all this anxiety I’ve been feeling!”
  • “Something I have needed to hear for a long time!”
  • “Kept my attention. Very relevant.”
  • “Very enjoyable and down-to-earth.”
  • “The only ‘tens’ I’ve given all day!”
— Susan Fenner, Ph.D., Education and Professional Development Professional Secretaries International, Kansas City, MO