
Jeff Davidson’s Work-life Balance Program

Why You Should Attend

Wasn’t technology supposed to make us ultra-efficient? As the pace of life accelerates, people everywhere are scrambling to find effective solutions to the constant time pressure they face. Jeff Davidson’s Work-life Balance program reveals that it is possible work and live at a comfortable pace and offers ways to stay productive and competitive, yet remain balanced and happy.

In this innovative, full-day session, Jeff addresses pressing issues such as the quest for quiet, over-reliance on personal technology, interruptions and distractions, and reclaiming your spaces. Attendees will gain many benefits from attending the session including:

* Learning the fundamentals of work-life balance

* Feeling better about each day

* Being exposed to a variety of strategies for "relaxing" in the face of constant pressure

* Facing the future with greater confidence

Components of the Program

Everyone today, especially career professionals, faces challenges on many fronts, such as handling increasing demands from bosses, teammates, and family members; shrinking budgets at work; financial pressures at home; and growing demands all around. The program begins with an extensive look at:

* Why the pace in our professional as well as personal environments is speeding up and why life is never

likely to slow down

* The factors contributing to frenzy

* Why longer hours are not the solution to greater


* Why interruptions in one’s work routine are especially difficult these days

* How to reclaim some control right now

* How to embrace "relaxing at high speed" as a long- term philosophy

* How to attain a "separate peace" despite everything

As Jeff explains, work-life balance is the ability to have a sense of control and to be productive and competitive at work while maintaining a happy, healthy home-life with sufficient leisure. "It is attaining focus and awareness despite seemingly endless tasks and activities competing for your time and attention." He addresses fundamental approaches for achieving work-life balance, providing answers to questions such as:

* What can I do starting today?

* What kinds of choices can I make about my career?

* What kinds of choices can I make about my health?

Jeff introduces and delves into the six fundamental supporting components (next page) that, collectively, help individuals to achieve, attain, and maintain a continual sense of work-life balance.

Meet Your Instructor

Jeff Davidson, MBA, CMC

Jeff is The Work-Life Balance Expert® addressing corporate and association audiences. He is a leading authority on managing information and communication overload, and personal systems for accomplishment. In 1995, Jeff founded the Breathing Space Institute, on the web at www.breathingspace.com. As demonstrated at more than 770 live presentations, he is a captivating speaker and presenter, able to hold an audience’s attention by combining outstanding content with humor, flair, and inspiration.

Jeff is the author of Breathing Space: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in this Sped-up Society, The 60 Second Innovator, The 60-Second Organizer, and The 60-Second Self-Starter. He’s been quoted in publications such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, USAir Magazine, American Way, and Delta Sky, and has been featured on 175 television and radio talk shows. His latest CD audio book, The Power of Simplicity, is a 4-disk set which offers instructions on simplifying every part of one’s professional and personal life.

What Others Have Said about this Instructor

I greatly enjoyed your full-day program. The information

you imparted about eight hours of sleep nightly has

changed my life. I’ve shared with others the importance

of "completion" of tasks before starting others.”

Jack C. Bailey, Executive Vice President, California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA

It was a delightful experience attending your presentation

at the recent Annual Meeting in Texas. Thanks for the

insight that has reduced my daily stress level. I look

forward to inviting you back to speak again.”

Karen Burns, Vice President Operations,

ETO Sterilization, Linden, NJ

Thank-you for the time, preparation, and energy you put

into the course. I got a lot out of the class for my work

and home life. This morning, I woke up without an alarm

clock for the first time during the work week that I can

recall! I’ve already gotten started at my office and house.”

Nathan Edmondson, PE, Hydraulics Manager Belcan Engineering Group, Cary, NC

Who Should Attend

This program is for career professionals in administration, finance, information systems, accounting, marketing, customer service, production, distribution, and community relations, including executive or managerial positions.

The Six Components of Work-Life Balance

1) Self-Management

Sufficiently managing one’s self can be challenging, particularly in getting proper sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Self-management is the recognition that effectively using the spaces in our lives is vital, and that available resources, time, and life are finite. It means becoming captain of our own ship; no one is coming to steer for us.

2) Time Management

Effective time management involves making optimal use of your day and the supporting resources that can be summoned – you keep pace when your resources match your challenges. Time management is enhanced through appropriate goals and discerning what is both important and urgent, versus important or urgent. It entails knowing what you do best and when, and assembling the appro-priate tools to accomplish specific tasks.

3) Stress Management

By nature, societies tend to become more complex over time. In the face of increasing complexity, stress on the individual is inevitable. More people, distractions, and noise require each of us to become adept at maintaining tranquility and working ourselves out of pressure-filled situations. Most forms of multi-tasking ultimately increase our stress, versus focusing on one thing at a time.

4) Change Management

In our fast-paced world, change is virtually the only constant. Continually adopting new methods and re-adapting others is vital to a successful career and a happy home life. Effective change management involves making periodic and concerted efforts to ensure that the volume and rate of change at work and at home does not overwhelm or defeat you.

5) Technology Management

Effectively managing technology means ensuring that technology serves you, rather than abuses you. Technology has always been with us, since the first walking stick, flint, spear, and wheel. Now, the rate of change is accelerating, brought on by vendors seeking expanding market share. Often there is no choice but to keep up with the technological Joneses, but you must rule technology, not vice versa.

6) Leisure Management

The most overlooked of the work-life balance supporting disciplines, leisure management acknowledges the importance of rest and relaxation- that one can’t short-change leisure, and that "time off" is a vital component of the human experience. Curiously, too much of the same leisure activity, however enjoyable, can lead to monotony. Thus, effective leisure management requires varying one’s activities.

Entirely Achievable Results

Jeff offers straightforward, practical information to which audience members can readily relate. Jeff does not bog down his presentations with theory, conceptual models, or other information that has little practical application in work and daily life. This program gets to the core of what people can do, right now, to attain and maintain work-life balance, to accomplish more at a comfortable pace, and to feel good about their work and their lives.

By day’s end, each participant gains a vivid understanding that achieving work-life balance does not require radical changes in what he or she does. It is about developing fresh perspectives and sensible, actionable solutions that are appropriate for you. It is fully engaging in life with what you have, right where you are, smack dab in the ever- changing dynamics of your existence.


America Online


American Express


Dollar Rent-a-Car

Vanguard Managed Solutions

Cardinal Health Distributors


Proserv, Inc


Independent Bankers of Texas

Farmers Insurance Group

American Banker’s Assocation


Tennessee Realtors Association

American College of Healthcare Executives

Medical Group Managers Association

Catholic Health East

California Pacific Medical Center

South Shore Hospital

American Industrial Hygienists Association

International Management Council–YMCA

Employee Relocation Council

International Assoc of Administrative Professionals

National Rural Electric Co-operatives Association

International Association of Exposition Managers

American Society of Personal Administrators

Greater Washington Military Club Managers Wild Bird Feeders Industry

North Carolina Public Transportation Association