The 60 Second Organizer – Interview Topics

Here is a sample of the advice from Jeff’s book, The 60 Second Organizer. These can be discussion points or made into questions:

  • No one is born with organizing skills; everybody has to acquire them along the way.
  • Disorganization often means losing track of good ideas because you are not sufficiently organized to capture, retrieve, and apply them as desired.
  • You create most of the obstacles you encounter related to staying organized.

  • By indentifying your underlying motives for wanting to become organized you can more easily take action that will result in the desired achievement.
  • People who are reasonably adept at rewarding others for accomplishing organizing tasks are often curiously deficient when it comes to rewarding themselves!
  • The negative effects of disorganization may be wreaking havoc on your career, even if you don’t realize it.

  • Perfectionism is the mortal enemy of becoming organized.
  • Some people approach getting organized with fear and trepidation even though they otherwise tend to be bold.
  • Nearly every major excuse for not becoming organized is lame.

  • Waiting until you are “in the mood” to get organized is an ill-conceived strategy.
  • The act of choosing is a simple but powerful technique that will aid you in becoming and remaining organized.
  • Being organized is an essential element to a successful career and a happy home life.

The 60-Second Organizer
(Adams Media, trade paper, 156 pages).
Does home and office mess put you under duress? Master your shelves, drawer, files, and piles with smiles. Each of the 60 solid techniques, one for each minute in an hour, will give you a fighting chance to actually maintain some semblance of organization at your desk and office, in your home and car, and places in between. Translated into Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, and Arabic. ISBN 0-02-861086-5