Jeff Davidson’s Business First Column

Choose what information you really need
Before you can absorb and apply yesterday’s intake, the explosion of new information floods your receptive capacity. Information can only become knowledge when it’s……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on July 7, 2003
Wardrobe, diction are keys to a good presentation
As a result of television, people today expect to be comfortable in every communication situation. When someone speaks to them, they want to relax……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on April 28, 2003
Effective online presentations require organization, planning
Sooner or later, you may find yourself making presentations via Web or long-distance connections. In such cases, the entire presentation represents a visual of……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on March 17, 2003
Small tips can equal a huge time savings
One executive I know says that when he encounters an idea for an accomplishment that is superior to techniques he is already using, he……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on February 10, 2003
Connect the dots between goals, priorities
A goal is a statement that is specific to what you intend to accomplish and when. All the goal-setting and attainment you ever hoped……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on July 29, 2002
Strive for more `completions’ in your life
One of the most powerful ways to take control of your time is to practice “completions.” Completions, simply put, are a method of segmenting……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on July 16, 2001
Here’s how to get that raise you deserve
You’ve dreaded it, thought it impossible, had nightmares about not getting it, cried over it, mulled over it, thought about it constantly, but to……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on March 5, 2001
Be positive, self-confident to reach goals
When you earnestly pursue your goals, reasons to do some things and to avoid other things appear in your life.
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on November 20, 2000
To be more successful, get organized
If you work alone in your office, every day is probably a busy day for you. Many of your tasks are special to your……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on June 19, 2000
Pack up peevish piles of pandemonium
Into every life some rain buy cheap clonazepam online must fall and, apparently, some piles will accumulate. A basic step in making your life simpler is to confront…
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on April 3, 2000
Work normal hours and accomplish more
When you consistently work longer hours or take work home from the office, you begin to forget what it’s like to have a free…
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on February 14, 2000
Master the art of doing one thing at a time
Every day, you all engage in the process of multitasking — doing more than one thing at a time. Multitasking is inherently complex. To……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on December 27, 1999
Don’t let interruptions ruin productivity
Interruptions can be the curse of a productive day. Allowing people to step into your office to “quickly run this by you” can be……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on November 15, 1999
Creating files in advance of need boosts efficiency
When items begin to mount on your desk, you usually sort and file them away. To make filing more efficient, anticipate what you are……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on October 4, 1999
Control workload, improve efficiency by managing daily interruptions well
In his book, “The Path of Least Resistance,” Robert Fritz says that when you are feeling overwhelmed or time-stressed, ask yourself: “Who created this……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on July 26, 1999
Make leaving on time a habit to build peak productivity during work hours
The notion of working longer to be more productive is a fallacy that will keep you chasing the clock. To be most productive, you……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on March 22, 1999
Consider these methods to simplify high-tech, hectic pace of everyday life
In the movie “Top Gun,” Tom Cruise’s character, Maverick, is told by his flight supervisor, “Your ego’s writing checks that your body can’t cash.”……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on February 1, 1999
Take some small steps to simplify life in increasingly fast-paced techno-world
Chris Hopkins, in his mid-30s, rarely gets to bed before midnight. It’s not that he’s whooping it up in bars or is some kind……
—Business First of Louisville by Jeff Davidson on December 28, 1998