Business First

Choose what information you really need

Wardrobe, diction are keys to a good presentation

Effective online presentations require organization, planning

Small tips can equal a huge time savings

Connect the dots between goals, priorities

Strive for more `completions’ in your life

Here’s how to get that raise you deserve

Be positive, self-confident to reach goals

To be more successful, get organized

Pack up peevish piles of pandemonium

Work normal hours and accomplish more

Master the art of doing one thing at a time

Don’t let interruptions ruin productivity

Creating files in advance of need boosts efficiency

Control workload, improve efficiency by managing daily interruptions well

Make leaving on time a habit to build peak productivity during work hours

Consider these methods to simplify high-tech, hectic pace of everyday life

Take some small steps to simplify life in increasingly fast-paced techno-world