Dealing with Other People’s Voice Mail

To successfully deal with other people’s voice mail:

* Speak a little louder than usual, enunciating as you speak.

* Say your name and organization, and then slowly leave your phone number.

* Follow that with a short, essential message.

* Make your message last 40 to 50 seconds….  too short, and it might seem insignificant. Too long, and you may irk the other party.

* Pretend you’re writing your phone number in the air as you’re reciting it.
Some callers speak too fast, making recipients replay the message repeatedly.

* Days later, if you’ve had no reply? Say, “I’m calling to follow-up on my call last Tuesday.”

* Be flexible when offering times and dates when you can be reached.

Be friendly and personable. You’ll stand out like few other callers that day!