Are You an Office Pack-rat?

Ten Ways to Know You’re an Office Pack-rat:
 10.   You can’t remember what the top of your desk looks like.
  9.    Your file drawers are so stuffed that it’s impossible to put anything else in them.
   8.   You dread the moment when someone will ask you to retrieve something from your files.
   7.   You keep hard copy drafts of drafts of drafts, and you save outdated backup disks.
   6.   While seeking an article you filed last week, you find an article on the new IBM electric typewriter.
   5.   People need to call out your name to find you in your office.
   4.   The piles on filing cabinet exceed the volume of papers inside your filing cabinet.
   3.   You have a “system” of filing that no one but you could even begin to understand.
   2.   You fear that the cost of moving everything you’ve collected will bankrupt you.  
   1.   You save junk mail because you never know when you might need to apply for that fifth gasoline credit card.