Composite Praise – Banking

Bankers and Banking Association Executives speak about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space®: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
You hit a home run for us J.D. Thanks again for being with us this past weekend. Your message is such a wonderful mix of business/personal organization — everyone was excited! Thanks for a job well done!
Mary Lange, CAE, Vice President and Director of Communication Independent Bankers Association of Texas, Austin, TX
I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation Sunday morning.
Don Wettstein, VP, Flanagan State Bank, Flanagan, IL
One short session is not long enough to incorporate your principles, but I amazingly have retained some of the basic principles you teach. Your message was a welcome approach to the struggles of life in today’s sped-up society; I have found much solace in the handouts you had at the meeting. In fact, I have been passing along some of your action steps. Just for today, I am trying to concentrate on taking first things first, and remembering to make a little “breathing space” for myself.
J. Sue Anderson, Executive Director, Community Bankers Assoc., Topeka, KS
At last! Someone who practices what they preach. Can’t tell you how many times I fielded compliments for “that Jeff Davidson guy!” Thanks for being flexible enough to work with our time emergencies. You were great!
Cindy Lawton, Member Relations, Independent Bankers of Texas, Austin, TX
Thanks so much for your thought-provoking presentation on Breathing Space at our 26th Annual Meeting and Trade Show in Bermuda last month. Your ideas on freeing yourself from the constraints of a cluttered life will certainly help all of us who heard your speech. Please don’t hesitate to call on me if I can be of any assistance. Thanks again for a terrific speech.
Julian Hester, Executive Director, Community Bankers Association of Georgia
Thanks for the fine presentation on Breathing Space at the Leadership Conference of the Young Bankers Division. It was amazing to me how accurately you described many of my own thoughts and the daily pitfalls I encounter. I thought that unfortunately, these issues were unique to my chosen profession or my current position. It was eye opening to hear the statistics and to realize that the vast majority of all managers face virtually the same problems.
R. Scott Heitkamp, President, The International Bank, Aransas Pass, TX
At our last CBAO Board meeting I discussed with the board a speaker who I had heard at the Convention in Orlando, Mr. Jeff Davidson. Several of our bankers from around the state got to hear him and were very impressed. I think he would make a great addition to our annual CBAO Convention. The 200 people present the day of his seminar were very impressed and very entertained. He has other programs longer than the one-hour program and maybe you could use him in more than one capacity. If you would like to hear him, I have his seminar on audio tape and would be willing to bring it along to the next Board meeting for your review.
Paul G. Wreede, President & CEO, Commercial Bank, Delphos, OH
Thank you for participating in our 1994 convention. Your session was thought provoking, entertaining and well received. We have heard many favorable comments from members who attended the convention. Thanks again, Jeff, for helping make our convention a success. With best regards.
Mark A. Raitor, Associate Executive Director Independent Bankers Association of America, Minneapolis, MN
Your talk confirmed what I already knew, but it inspired me to start making decisions. I realize now that I can’t read it all or know it all. Instead, I must make my choices and go on. Thank you for helping me to become more decisive…and give me more breathing space.
John Shirley, Vice President, West Texas State Bank, Snyder, TX
Thank you very much for speaking to our group last month. Your talk was informative and I think we learned quite a bit. The tape is excellent. I will be sure to give your name to the next program chairman.
Helen James, Branch Manager, Suburban Bank, Camp Springs, MD
Your presentation at the IBAA Convention was a success. Your concepts were accurate and I still have your ideas fresh in my mind. Your ideas were thought-provoking and rang home for me throughout your talk. Thank you for allowing me some “Breathing Space.” …Thank you for sharing yourself with our organization. The only losers were those who did not attend your presentation.
Frank J. Ziegler, President, Lemay Bank & Trust Company, St. Louis, MO
Your presentation at our conference was excellent, as was your book, Breathing Space.
D. Kenneth Greer, President, First National Bank, Mt. Vernon, TX
Your presentation at the recent IBBA Conference was excellent. It was clear and held my attention. You had a strong and interesting message coupled with specific action steps. Thank you again for a most worthwhile presentation, I am about to call our local bookstore to purchase a copy of your latest book.
William J. McGurk, President and CEO, The Savings Bank of Rockville, CT
I enjoyed your presentation at the Community Bankers Association Meeting and Trade Show. It was very good to hear that we are not alone in trying to keep up with the fast pace that is facing all of us. Your comments on the elimination of impediments were right on target. I look forward to listening to your tape on Breathing Space.
A.J. Braswell, President, Reliance Trust Company, Atlanta, GA
I enjoyed your presentation in Wilmington. It was entertaining and it clearly demonstrated the problem that most of us have regarding the amount of information we all try to absorb. You also gave us some practical solutions to the problem that we can begin to apply immediately. Thank you for making the meeting a meaningful event.
Steve Johnston, Assistant Vice President Branch Banking and Trust Company, Wilmington, NC
Thank you for your presentation entitled “Breathing Space.” I attended the recent IBAA Conference in Hawaii and want to thank you for the advice on how to better handle my life. As a mother of four, professional, and community-minded individual your thoughts and ideas made me realize I will never be able to keep up with it all, but I will be organized, prepared, and ready for it all!! Thanks again and I will definitely watch for your seminars in the future!
LoAnn Miller, Asstistant VP Marketing/Personnel Farmers & Merchants Bank, Beach, ND
I so enjoyed your talk at the IBAA convention. I can’t wait to share your information with my husband and children. Your approach to a clutter-free, organized life is much more humorous and interesting than what they’re used to hearing. I’d also love a couple extra handouts you gave to everyone. I hope to see you at Okaboji (our annual state meeting).
Martha Dean Winum, Iowa Community Bankers, Glenwood, IA
Our 20th Annual Convention was a huge success thanks to your involvement and participation. We frankly cannot remember a more positive response from all participants, and your remarks in particular were very well received. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for a job well done. I really appreciate you making our association look so good!
Christopher L. Williston, CAE, President & CEO Independent Bankers Association of Texas, Austin, TX
Thank you for your presentation on Breathing Space. What a refreshing change to turn off the information superhighway and take a detour toward self-preservation! My only regret is the fact the class did not get to spend more time exploring the principles of Breathing Space. Again, thank you for helping all of us find some of the secrets to living a fulfilling and centered life. All the best – you deserve it!
W. Craig Overstreet, President and CEO, First Bank, Farmersville, TX
Enjoyed your seminar in Hawaii. We have a state chapter meeting in July. I will deliver your seminar material to the new president.
Joy Crawford, Citizens Bank, Las Cruces NM
I found your presentation at breakfast at the Community Banker’s Association conference in Topeka, Kansas, this morning very interesting. I am already very committed to the concept of being proactive, as compared to reactive. I find that I already employ several of your suggestions, and am always interested in improvement. It is gratifying to know I’m doing something else right! I want to thank you for removing my usually successfully suppressed guilt about not reading every word of every newspaper and periodical that crosses my path! I have long felt that it was one of my faults that I could not keep up with all of it, as everyone else seems to imply they do. I will enjoy my new freedom from guilt. P.S. I learn well; I’m not even keeping a copy of this letter!
Janis C. Bunker, CTFA, Senior Vice President and Trust Officer The Trust Company of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Thank you so much for the “reality” check. I’ve heard several good comments about your presentation from our members and look forward to working together again in the future.
Kathy Lovelace, Meeting planner, CBAK, Topeka, KS
Thank you so much for your presentation at the Wisconsin League of Financial Institutions Annual Meeting. Your presentation, “Giving Yourself Permission to Have Breathing Space” was most informative, enthusiastic and realistic. I found your 5 reasons for the overwhelming invasion of our time to be so rational. I thought your style of presentation was as important as the message itself and you did a great job bringing the audience into it. Thanks again, Jeff, for a very informative and lively presentation.
Michael D. Meeuwsen, President & CEO, First Northern Savings Bank, Green Bay, WI
I found your presentation at breakfast at the Community Banker’s Association conference in Topeka, Kansas, this morning very interesting. I am already very committed to the concept of being proactive, as compared to reactive. I find that I already employ several of your suggestions, and am always interested in improvement. It is gratifying to know I’m doing something else right! I want to thank you for removing my usually successfully suppressed guilt about not reading every word of every newspaper and periodical that crosses my path! I have long felt that it was one of my faults that I could not keep up with all of it, as everyone else seems to imply they do. I will enjoy my new freedom from guilt. P.S. I learn well; I’m not even keeping a copy of this letter!
Janis C. Bunker, CTFA, Senior Vice President and Trust Officer The Trust Company of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
I enjoyed your presentation very much. The “mega-trends” that you mentioned seemed to hit home with me. I went home from the conference and set time limits in my home on television as well as radio. I feel you really opened my eyes. Thanks so much for the information. My next step is to read Breathing Space.
Allen R. Weyand, Account Manager, DCI, Hutchinson, KS