Composite Praise – Chamber Executives

Chamber Executives speak about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space®: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
What a great job you did on your presentation “Breathing Space” at the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives Association Annual Meeting in Austin! Everyone raved about the presentation. I came to the office this morning to begin doing away with the clutter that fills my work space and causes me to be less effective. I already know that I am more effective when my work area is cleared. In talking to some of my peers in the Gulf Coast Chamber Executives Association, we agreed to bring you to our area soon. I look forward to talking to you.
Tracey S. Wheeler, President & CEO, Chamber of Commerce, Baytown, TX
Your presentation on “Stress” was just what I needed! It was the highlight of the TCCE conference. The suggestions you gave to lower stress in our lives were great and certainly ones we can put into action without creating more stress. I came back to my office and immediately processed information (papers) from the meeting and also from the previous two conferences which I had attended. I am also processing mail more effectively and keeping only what I know I’ll use later. The idea of keeping only the part of magazines or publications you need was great!! I’ve already passed on several of your ideas to associates of mine. Thanks for a great seminar, and I hope to attend another one someday.
Anna H. McKinney, General Manager, Chamber of Commerce, Denison, TX
I heard your presentation on simplicity at the Business Forum luncheon sponsored by the Scottsdale Chamber in Arizona. I wanted to compliment you on a worthwhile and excellent “how to” presentation about making your time more manageable. I want to thank you for excellent ideas and I look forward to more information about Breathing Space. I forwarded your promotional materials to Security Life of Denver for consideration at our next sales meeting.
Sherrie Bellamy LUTCF, Scottsdale, AZ
I really enjoyed your presentation at the TCCE Annual Conference. I felt that your limited usage of handout materials was very appropriate, especially in relation to your subject. Your presentation manner was excellent as you kept my attention and provided me information in a way I could buy generic clonazepam online begin to internalize it. I only heard positive comments from my peers. I will be President of TCCE this year and would like to let you know that I would sure like to see us include you in some of our other educational opportunities, such as our mini-conferences and our annual conference next year in Galveston. Thanks for the great job you did for us.
Douglas S. Kinsinger, President, San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, TX
I really was impressed with your presentation on “Breathing Space” at the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives meeting in Austin. I have already put into action some of your recommendations. I spent the weekend cleaning out a desk and my closet and had my wife involved in the same. I would appreciate you sending the cassette on “Breathing Space.” I plan on staying in touch and keeping you informed of the progress that I make. Looking forward to having an occasion to get you back down to this part of the country in the future.
Hardy England, Mgr. of Community Development, TU Electric, Dallas, TX
I enjoyed your presentation and would like to talk with you about possibly conducting one or more seminars for our Chamber in 1996. I’m responsible for all of the small business seminars conducted for our members, in addition to all quality programs and seminars, and general interest seminars. Please contact me sometime next week. This week is going to be crazy. Thank you!
Anne Starnes, Executive Vice President, Catawba Chamber of Commerce, Hickory, NC
I enjoyed your presentation on “Breathing Space.” I have been putting your suggestions to work. Keeping my desk clear of clutter has definitely been a plus. Thanks for a great presentation.
Maria Hall, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce, S. Padre Island, TX
Thank you for mailing copies of the evaluation sheets from our “Handling the Information Overload”. Response from our end–especially the Board members who attended–has been very positive. Chairman-elect Diann Seas sometimes relates to me about her office situation– “I did this —- just like Jeff told us!” Thank you for providing the most informative and exciting seminar our Chamber has ever had. Best Regards,
Marcy Fryday, President & CEO, SW Houston Chamber of Commerce, Houston TX