Composite Praise – Corporate Executives

Corporate Executives speak about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space®: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
Thank you for your presentation at the Warehouse Education Research Councilin New Orleans. I enjoyed the talk very much. I have already begun to clearmy desk of unnecessary paper and will make a concerted effort to reduce theamount of paper that piles on my desk. As you rightly stated, we have somuch information that we cannot keep up with what we really need.
Stephen L. Mobley, Vice President and General Manager WarehousingWorld Trade Cargo andLogistics, Dallas, TX
Thank you for your participation at this year’s conference. In terms ofkeeping an audience, Wednesday afternoon’s general session is always achallenge. You did a good job!
Michael Mikitka, Director of Conference and Chapter Relations WarehousingEducation and Research Council, Oak Brook, IL
Your presentation provided to Syngenta employees was both insightful andenjoyable. It was made more effective because you used your sense of humorto illustrate your points. The handouts have been useful to me and I willcontinue to refer to them. Best wishes.
Peggy Shelton, Syngenta Crop Protection Greensboro, NC
Thank you for the time you brought us in Texas. I really enjoyed yoursession since you reminded me that we should avoid as many times as possibleto be taken by the wave of the world. We must enjoy our lives based on amore natural basis. Not too many TV sets at home, not too many magazines toread, not too many hectic places to work with… Now, every time I open mymailbox at home I recall your session. And as a matter of fact, I havealready cancelled a couple of magazine subscriptions and unsubscribed fromMANY free Internet updates.
Juan Pico, Vanguard Managed Solutions Mansfield, MA
Your presentation was great! Everyone was discussing how good it was on theway back to the airport and what each of us could do to start implementingsome of your ideas. Maybe today’s information overload is blocking out thereally important issues. Thank you for a very inspiring presentation.
David Fields, Director of Information Services Sally Foster, Duncan, SC
I enjoyed your presentation at the industry meeting. I came away withseveral key points. I was gratified to hear your advice. You had a wonderfulslide with a message to the effect that organizations sometimes need to slowdown and get out of the frantic reactionary mode in order to plan and getpositioned for better long-term advancement. I’m part of a lean & meanlittle company that definitely needs to subscribe to that idea. I will be onthe lookout for the right opportunity to lay your wisdom on somebody.
Jerry Heath, Product Manager Industrial Fumigant Company, Olathe, KS
Thank you for your inspiring workshop held in Singapore. I have been back tomy routine again, but with more confidence in dealing with the changemanagement project that I shared earlier in the classroom. I have reportedto my President Director, also to the Group CEO of Astra Motor III as wellas to the Chief of Corporate HRD of PT Astra International that I learned alot in this workshop and I am taking the Isuzu business-restructuringproject (a merger of first companies) as my personal target inorganizational change management. I have updated my team, and now we arepreparing our study step by step using the management tools that we have.
K.H. Shamina, PT Pantja Motors Sole Agent, Jakarta, Indonesia
I attended your presentation at the conference in Florida. Of all thesessions I attended, yours is the one that is making the biggest differencein my day-to-day life… Thank you for taking time to share your insightswith HR and relocation professionals. I had heard some of the same before,and some is common sense, but it took your session to actually grab myattention and get me to make some changes.
Shauna Lee-Carmichael, Manager International Compensation andBenefits, Praxair, Danbury, CT
Thank you so much for speaking to our group at our Annual Management Meetingin April. Your session on Time Management was very enjoyable as well asinformative. We all came away with principals that we will be able to applydaily. I’m looking forward to working with you again.
Kathy Hood, Vice President-Sales & Revenue Management Davidson HotelCompany, Memphis, TN
I was very pleasantly surprised by the presentation you made at ourmanagement meeting. As you may be aware, your presentation was on ouragenda with the heading “Time Management,” and I was prepared foranother boring lecture on how to better manage my time and pack morethings into my day. Your approach to Breathing Space and the realitiesof trying to do business and have a personal life in the ’90s wasrefreshing and confirmed the approach I have been implementing in my ownlife. I look forward to seeing you again in the future and wish youcontinued success.
Gary Paxton, President & CEO, Dollar Rent A Car, El Segundo, CA
I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation; it was one of the two mostuseful presentations I heard during the weekend. I thought you werethorough and well-prepared. In addition, your sense of humor enlivenedthe topic.
Wes Tyler, President, GCS Service National Service Network for Commercial Food Equipment, Danbury, CT
I enjoyed your seminar this morning. I found your description of thefive Mega-Realities to be a good buy ambien us expression of thoughts and feelingsthat I have had. Thanks for the insight and ideas.
Dan Ellig, Research Manager, Union Carbide, Des Plaines, IL
You are a rich resource and your insights are invaluable. During thebeginning of your presentation, I immediately knew that I was going togain a great deal. Between your accomplishments and your professionalpresentation style, you will always be on my recommended list ofspeakers.
Mark G. Nixon, Advisory Systems Specialist, IBM, Roanoke, TX
Thank you very much for participating in the Cardinal program inColorado Springs. It was a pleasure to meet you, and I think thepresentation you made had a profound impact on everyone here. I myselfwould like to write a long, glowing endorsing letter, but I learned inyour presentation that that would be redundant, superfluous and not tothe point. You did a great job, and on behalf of everyone at Cardinal,I thank you very much and look forward to seeing you in the future.
John C. Kane, President & COO, Cardinal Distribution, Dublin, OH
Our management seminar turned out to be one of the best and mostinformative of past years, and it was due in large part to your one-daymanagement presentation. As expected, your approach was very wellsuited to our young participants, and we feel that they gained valuableinsight. We express our thanks to you for a job well done, and I willcertainly think of you next year.
Henry Brehm, Vice President, ProServ Incorporated, Washington, DC
I was very impressed with your presentation. I found it to beinteresting and insightful. The five Mega-Realities hold true for mostbusinessmen, and I certainly agree. I feel your recommendations willhelp simplify matters. Your ideas and methods are practical to today’sprofessionals. I hope I have the opportunity to hear you speak again.
James B. Murrell, Human Resources Operations, Belk Beery, Wilmington,NC
Thanks for helping me to throw my “stress” overboard on our recentMeridian Cruise! You were a real lifesaver…good thing you werescheduled early on in the cruise so I didn’t have to carry it around anylonger. I will be looking forward to receiving Breathing Space; I needall the help I can get during these “downsizing” times. Thanks again.
Del White, Civic Affairs Assistant, Unocal Corporation, Los Angeles, CA
Your talk was quite informative, and I enjoyed it very much. I have notread your book, but I intend to.
Ken Fisher, Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation, Wilmington, NC
Your presentation was outstanding and we want to thank you again fortaking the time to be with our group. You received very high marks onall the participants’ evaluations, and many indicated they were going tocontact you for additional information and materials. Personally, I’ve always known there were forces at work destroying myspace and time, but until your presentation I never understood where orwhat they were. Now I know the enemy and can begin to take back myspace. Thanks again for an excellent presentation!
Donald R. Monroe, CFP, Vice President–Investments Paine Webber Incorporated, Raleigh, NC
Your presentation to our management team last week in Colorado waswell-received. The growth at Cardinal has been non-stop, and it wasrefreshing to hear your perspective on ways to slow down other aspectsof our lives.
George H. Bennett, Senior Vice President, Cardinal Distribution,Dublin, OH
I was invigorated and entranced by your presentation at our springLeadership Conference. You provided excellent information, as well assetting the stage for consideration of the world in which we live andwork.
Alice Barnes, Keane, Inc., Durham, NC Thank you again for sending me The Achievement challenge–it’s great!
As we discussed, I have listened to your audio program, SellingYourself, and I am already implementing many of the steps you suggest.The program is hard-hitting, motivational and filled with nuggets ofpractical information that most professionals cannot afford to miss! I hope to meet you in person sometime in the near future. Let’s stayin touch.
John R. Bedosky, Norwest Capital Advisers, Chicago, IL
We and the folks at Microsoft are thrilled at the efforts expended byall to pull off “Career Extravaganza.” You, as a special guest presenter, deserve a special thanks for yourefforts; you were willing to experiment, change dates, provideinformation in all kinds of forms, put up with our speaker phones,tolerate confusion and keep your sense of humor. Thank you very much! I enjoyed working with you, and learned a lot inthe process. Your insight about priorities, i.e., physical balance, isvaluable for me as a consultant.
Bill Gregory, Ed.D., Mainstream On-Line, Kirkland, WA
Thank you for such an exciting and informative session on BreathingSpace: How to Survive in a Sped-Up World. Wow, did I need it. Your ability to excite a crowd and hold their attention, particularlyat the end of several intense days, is fantastic. I look forward toattending your next seminar in the not too distant future. By then,hopefully, I will have mastered the paper flow and can move on to thenext step.
Pat Baughman, Manager, Associates Relocation Management Company,Washington, DC
Your presentation that I attended at ERC’s Management Symposium in BocaRaton last month was fantastic. Thank you for delivering such “highimpact” information, that can be used in everyday life. I’m still working on those horizontal surfaces (aircraft carrierdecks). Additionally your business card is a great reference.
Stuart Brandon, Corporate Marketing Manager, Contempo Realty, Inc., San Jose, CA