Composite Praise – Electric and Telephone Co-op Professionals

Electric and Telephone Co-op Professionals speak about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space®: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
Jane Hoge, our conference administrator, mentioned that you receivedhigh marks from the participants for your three presentations at theconference. We appreciate the good work you do for us.
Bob Kabat, Director of Management Services National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Washington, DC
I had the pleasure of attending two of your workshops. As a very busyworking mother of three children, I have always found it difficult tobalance my time both at the office and at home. It really does help toallow myself breathing space before moving on to the next job.Thank you for sharing most helpful tips with our group on how toclear our minds and overloaded desks.
Leona B. Padgette, Staff Services Assistant Halifax Electric Membership Corporation, Enfield, NC
I enjoyed both your general session and the concurrent break-outsession. You are a very good source of information and did an excellentjob presenting your information. Thanks for sharing your knowledge withus!
Charla Friday, Secretary XIT Rural Telephone Cooperative, Dalhart, TX
I really enjoyed your presentation and shared with my boss your idea ofthe “Jeff Davidson Advisory Board.” He thinks your idea is fascinatingand would really like to find out more about it. To be very honest with you, when I first heard you talk about yourown personal advisory board, I thought you had to be kidding. But itmakes sense — we use it in our business, and it has been a greatbenefit to us — so why not use it for our personal advancement andgrowth!
Julie Schlicht, Executive Secretary Stearns Electric Association, Melrose, MN
I truly enjoyed the sessions I attended that you conducted at oursecretarial conference. Your energy and apparent knowledge revitalizedme. Your sessions were of more help to me in keeping myself togetherthan any of the others I attended. You were very enjoyable.
Sharon H. Parker Dixie Electric Power Association, Petal, MS
I recently heard you speak. I was quite impressed with yourpresentations and found some of the facts you presented astounding.After hearing you, I have taken steps in my life, both at work and athome, to make some changes. I now give much consideration to those”Mega-Realities” and how they affect our lives. And yes, I have buy spier modafinil online madesome changes because of these. It was a real pleasure and most interesting to hear you speak. If Iknew that you were going to be speaking anywhere near my area, I wouldmake an effort to attend.
Linda Dunlap, Administrative Assistant San Patrico Electric Cooperative, Sinton, TX
I found your presentation to be interesting and humorous. With the”information boom” approaching, it is very difficult to determine wherebest to spend ones time and money. Your sessions were more than worthyof both! Perhaps the most important thing that I have learned from yourwork is that it is not so important what you know, but that you knowwhere to find it.
Pam Bradley, Executive Secretary Boone County Rural Electric Membership Corporation, Lebanon, IN
I would like to tell you how much I enjoyed your presentations this pastOctober. I found your presentations both enjoyable and informative.After hearing you speak on the subjects, I was actually “perked” intotrying out these methods and techniques to bring some order to thishectic pace I keep. I have already seen some improvement in my dailytasks. My bosses thank you.
Deborah A. Bellemare, Finance & Administration Secretary New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Plymouth, NH
I was a member of the planning committee for our conference and wasfortunate to be able to attend the general session to hear yourpresentation. You did a fantastic job in both captivating the attentionof the audience as well as motivating them. I also attended your workshop on Tuesday afternoon, “Finding MoreBreathing Space at Work and at Home” and found it very helpful aswell. Hope to see you at a conference in the future.
Patti Marks, Executive Assistant Maquoketa Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Anamosa, IA
Last week I attended the Executive Secretary Conference. Yourpresentation contained some very interesting and sometimes startlingstatistics. I have often felt overwhelmed with the amount of paperworkthat comes through my office. I now am attempting to approach this”monster” with an aggressive attitude and with a positive frame of mindthat I CAN do something about this situation NOW. I am even encouraging my boss to clear his desk, at leastoccasionally. (By the way, I cleaned out two closets, several kitchencabinets, and my home file cabinet over this past weekend. Feels good!) Thanks for sharing some great information.
Sara Bell, CPS, Executive Secretary