Composite Praise – Executive and Entrepreneurial Women

Executive and Entrepreneurial Women speak about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space®: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
Taking your course “Managing Priorities” with the American Society ofInterior Designers in Sedona, Arizona has changed my life for the better inseveral ways. Your presentation was entertaining and lively. Your messagehad meaning and put into words what I was experiencing in my day. Theinteractive participation with the group, great stories, and examples alsohelped to inspire me. As a result, I now “manage the beforehand” and chooseto cast away what impairs my progress toward my goals. Thank you so much!
Diane Gote, President Design Words Inc, Summit, NJ
I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at last night’s National Councilof Career Women meeting. I also must tell you that I enjoy your writingstyle, which made me excited about hearing you speak.
Beverly Blakey, Assistant to the Director University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center, Washington,DC
You demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject, made the subjectmatter understandable, encouraged participation through questions andanswers, and presented ideas clearly and understandably. My overall evaluation of the presentation was excellent.
Linda Summers Posey, President The Communication Connection, Houston, TX
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and expertise with the membersin Columbus. It was a pleasure working with you, Jeff. Congratulationson a job well done. You’ll be pleased to see that all your efforts wereappreciated. The following are some comments: “Lots of ideas to take home and share with my daughter whokeeps everything!” “Absolutely great!” “I can’t wait to go home and re-align my life!” “There’s hope for me!” “The most useful session I’ve attended so far.” “Great speaker! Somehow he knew exactly how to put a name toall this anxiety I’ve been feeling!” “Something I have needed to hear for a long time!” “Kept my attention. Very relevant.” “Very enjoyable and down-to-earth.” “The only ‘tens’ I’ve given all day!”
Susan Fenner, Ph.D., Education and Professional Development Professional Secretaries International, Kansas City, MO
Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule and sharing yourexpertise about information gathering. Your session was well receivedby our membership at Friday’s annual workshop. Many of the participantslamented that there wasn’t more time! Your experience and expertisecertainly were appreciated.
Deborah Auerbach-Deutsch, Workshop Coordinator Washington Education Press Association, Washington, DC
I sincerely enjoyed your speech and thought about things you said longafter your presentation. Your style, too, was veryattention-maintaining. I am the Sales Communications Manager for Burroughs Wellcome. Manythings you said I draw on in managing this job and sorting out the keyinformation from the unnecessary-to-live information. I recommendedthat my boss explore your availability for one of our sales meetings.It would be a delight if we would sponsor someone practical rather thanthe excellence/vision stuff we often drone on about. I would definitelylike to hear your presentation (and/or a longer version) again. Not only did I find the content of your talk useful, I thoroughlyenjoyed your delivery style.
Janet Banks, Sales Communication Manager Burroughs Wellcome, Research Triangle Park, NC
I really enjoyed your talk. Very well timed and effective. You have apowerful presentation style.
Carol A. Slater, Program Manager Learning Services Corporation, Durham, NC
Congratulations on your successful training session at our AnnualMeeting. Your professionalism brought a great deal of insight to themeeting. I thank you for your time, talent and energy.
Grace McGartland, Past President National Association of Women Business Owners, Chicago, IL
Thank you for presenting an excellent seminar on Friday to the Women inGovernment Relations. Feedback was uniformly positive, with manyattendees expressing the desire for another presentation along the sametheme. We are very appreciative of your fine program.
Patricia Aiken-O’Neill, Co-Chair, Professional Development Committee Women in Government Relations, McLean, VA
Thank you so much for your great presentation. You got rave reviews.Your rousing presentation was perfect to shake off those after-lunchblahs. No one wanted to nap after your session! In fact, many peoplecontinued to talk about the five Mega-Realities well into the afternoon. Personally, I was so pleased with your presentation that I’ve alreadyrecommended you. Thanks again, Jeff, for a great session. You played alarge role in making the conference successful.
Margot Lester, Vice President for Communications Women In Management, Durham, NC
Your presentation was informative and helpful to me — giving lots toconsider. Your gift of encouragement is just as much valued. I’meager, I’m excited, and I’m a sponge soakin’ it all in. Your sharingmade a difference! Thank you.
Cindi Parker, Creative Dimensions, Kings Mountain, NC
Thank you for speaking at our meeting last week. After your veryinformative presentation, each of us will be thinking of at least one ortwo ways we can improve ourselves. We hope you will be available tospeak with us again in the future.
Sally W. Drew, Secretary National Association for Professional Saleswomen, Washington, DC
Wanted to commend you for your great speech last evening. The feedbackfrom the attendees was very positive. The ideas behind “BreathingSpace” are timely and certainly beneficial to those of us caught up inthe “sped up” pace of today’s world. Thank you again for your efforts toward a very enjoyable andenlightening evening.
Deirdre Murray, Operations Manager U.S. West, Rockville, MD
What an inspiring speech! Thoroughly enjoyable. Providing a novelslant on self-help is a challenge you have met very creatively.
Sandy L. Dreskin, Gaithersburg, MD
Your speech was a great way to begin the afternoon activities at theWomen in Management Conference. As someone who is in need of some”breathing space” right now, I really appreciated your suggestions. Ihave already started reading the book.
Brenda Summers, President, NC Equity, Raleigh, NC
Thanks so much for speaking at the WNBA meeting. As a speaker myself, Iappreciated your energy, your information, and your approach, and I’veheard many good comments from others in attendance. Nearly a third of the audience members were guests, not members; I’msure they were there because of you. I hope we’ll be able to enticethem to join. Personally, I found lots of validation in what you said.
Diane Ullius, President, Women’s National Book Association, Washington,DC
I had the pleasure of attending your seminar on the Royal Majesty Cruiseduring the NAWBO conference. This year, I had set a goal to become moreorganized and to maintain a clean desk. You confirmed all the reasonswhy this should be done. Your seminar was a great help to me. Now, I “toss” a lot more than Idid in the past. My desk is now clean each night, and I finally hiredan assistant who helps me utilize your suggestions.
Margie Wilcox, Owner, Mobile Bay Transportation Company, Mobile, AL
Congratulations on an excellent presentation at last week’s meeting.Your talk was statistically impressive, it was most entertaining, andthe guidelines for reducing the clutter in one’s life should provebeneficial in creating more space in my life. I wouldn’t change a thing in the presentation, and I hope that youwill have the opportunity to share your information and ideas with othergroups like ours. I believe that you have an untapped audiencenationwide.
Joan Johnson, Account Representative, Quality Travel Services, McLean,VA
Thank you for your presentation on “Breathing Space.” I attended therecent IBAA Conference in Hawaii and want to thank you for the advice onhow to better handle my life. As a mother of four, professional, andcommunity-minded individual your thoughts and ideas made me realize Iwill never be able to keep up with it all, but I will be organized,prepared, and ready for it all!! Thanks again and I will definitely watch for your seminars in thefuture!
LoAnn Miller, Assistant VP Marketing/Personnel Farmers & Merchants Bank, Beach, ND
I so enjoyed your talk at the IBAA convention. I can’t wait to shareyour information with my husband and children. Your approach to aclutter-free, organized life is much more humorous and interesting thanwhat they’re used to hearing. I’d also love a couple extra handouts yougave to everyone. I hope to see you at Okaboji (our annual state meeting).
Martha Dean Winum, Iowa Community Bankers, Glenwood, IA
Wow! Your energy and information were top notch. I learned a new wayof viewing the world and my participation in it. You gave me what Iwanted, namely new and practical advice. After leaving yourpresentation I shared your view points with colleagues. How we managethe information age with industrial age tools was a real eye opener. Idon’t think I’ll ever open my mail, read a magazine or spend my time inquite the same way as I used to. Thank you for sharing you insights in an enjoyable way at our meetingthis past Saturday. I look forward to seeing you again.
Gwen Taylor, President Gwen Taylor Management and Sales Consultants, St. Augustine, FL
I was invigorated and entranced by your presentation at our springLeadership Conference. You provided excellent information, as well assetting the stage for consideration of the world in which we live andwork.
Alice Barnes, Keane Inc., Durham, NC