Composite Praise – Insurance Industry

Insurance Industry Executives speak about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space®: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
It was a pleasure having you at our Life Underwriter’s meeting. Yourinsight on the “Mega-Realities” was very inspiring and will be helpfulin my day-to-day practice. Thank you for your time and insight.
Stephen K. Powell, Spence Financial Group, Norfolk, VA
Jeff–super class on finding information!
Edmund Thornton, Executive Vice President, NAHU, Washington, DC
I truly enjoyed your presentation recently at PSME. You gave me “mega”information for thought. It has made me personally take a new look atmy goals for the rest of this year and setting new goals for next year.It was a pleasure meeting you.
Norma Fenton, The McFarland Agency, Newport News, VA
Just a note to let you know how much I enjoyed your presentation at theUnderwriters Association meeting. I do need some Breathing Space andwould really appreciate receiving additional resources.
Cassie Knapp, Spencer, Knapp & Associates, Virginia Beach, VA
Thank you for your participation in our Convention. Our reportsindicated that you did a fine job. Please let us know if we can ever beof assistance in any way.
Fritz Lewis, Executive VP, Independent Insurance Agents of Michigan,Lansing
Concise! Humorous! Memorable! A timely message.
B.A. Foster, Donald P. Foster and Associates, Virginia Beach, VA
I’m convinced he really has something of value for any insuranceorganization.
Southgate Jones, Chairman, J. Southgate & Sons, Durham, NC
I heard you speak two weeks ago at the Sales and Marketing Executivesmeeting and still remember the Mega-Realities! Your message had a greatimpact on me. I had already been working on the premise that the bestway for me to optomize my performance was to focus my efforts rathernarrowly …but you put a different spin on the concept of focus. Afterlistening to you, I’ve been looking at what I’m doing from an oppositeperspective, which feels almost liberating. Thanks for the help! I’mreally glad I attended the meeting.
Denise Chicoine, Financial Advisor, Prudential Securities, VirginiaBeach, VA
…it was a tremendously useful presentation–one difficult to dojustice to in a written explanation. Suffice it to say your commentswere useful. The audience listened. It was a good meeting.
Pete Pallard, President, SMEI of Metropolitan Washington, Annandale, VA
I arrived late Friday. You have interesting topics and research. Iliked what you were saying and how you were saying it. After your talk,I drove immediately to a demanding client and told him that we wouldneed 72 hours notice in the future to be able to react to a need for acertificate of insurance for his work crew. No 72-hour notice, no menat work!
Roger Clarke, CLU, President, Beach Insurance Center, Virginia Beach,VA