Composite Praise – Law

Lawyers and Law Association Executives speak about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space®: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
Thank you for the time and advice. I feel it was a very worthwhilesession. Your ideas will help crystalize my efforts. It was money wellspent.
Daniel A. Davis, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, Edina, MN
Thank you for speaking to the Law Office Management and EconomicsSection of the D.C. Bar this past Thursday. As you know, lawyers arebecoming increasingly aware of our historical backwardness in suchmatters as the use of non-lawyers for effective work, the use of modernoffice equipment, and perhaps most importantly, the use of marketing asa business tool. Eventually, the bottom line gets to even the mostegotistical of professionals. As I left the meeting room, I heard a number of favorable commentsabout your speech. We were equally delighted to learn that we haveattracted more new members from your presentation than any otherprevious one. Thank you again for taking the time to speak with us.
Nancy K. Glassman, Attorney at Law, Washington, DC
My deepest thanks for your fine presentation. The members of ourcommittee were most impressed with your thorough knowledge of thesubject area and your excellent manner of presentation. I hope that youwill be able to fit us on your very busy calendar next year for a returnvisit.
Kenneth M. Trombly, Chair, New Lawyer in Practice Committee Legal Economics Section, ABA, Washington, DC
Our members really enjoyed the thoughts and ideas you presented at ourdinner meeting last evening. I am sure that everyone gained someinsight into an area which many legal secretaries face today. Yourreading suggestions will certainly benefit the members. Thank you somuch for being with us and we hope you will be able to join us again atsome future meeting.
Rita M. Chatham, Chair of Program Committee, National Association of Legal Secretaries, Washington, DC