Composite Praise – Meeting Planners

Meeting Planners speak about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
Thank you for your presentation at our meeting of August 22. The comments by members were uniformly positive; many people noted that you gave good, easy to follow advice, and most asked for copies of your handouts. The bottom line is that having heard you speak, we invited you back, and would be delighted to have you speak a third time!
Lee M. Cassidy, President, 40+ Forty Plus of Greater Washington, DC
Your comments were so pertinent to Call For Action. We need to identify our mission and put it into a few meaningful words. I also found your comments about making your work count twice very pertinent to the consumer reports I do daily. Jeff, we really appreciate your taking time from your busy schedule to speak at our conference.
Shirley Rooker, WTOP Director, Call For Action, New York, NY
You were a hit! Thank you so much, not only for gracing the Literary Friends’ author series, but for doing so with such charm and erudition. Everyone enjoyed your talk, and if you had half the pleasure that the audience did, I’d like to ask you to come again. My thanks and very best wishes for continued success.
Margot J. Fromer, Program Coordinator, D.C. Public Library, Washington, DC
Thank you for addressing our group on Sunday. Your presentation was riveting and will undoubtedly give rise to many discussions. We hope there will be more opportunities for us to engage in such lively dialogue.
Ina Evans, Chair, North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture, Chapel Hill, NC
You were too funny for words, and I haven’t been able to write normally since that session!
Sandy Bremer, President, Open University of Washington, Washington, DC
Thanks for giving us a terrific session in Atlanta last weekend. I heard rave reviews from several very picky members. That’s a sign that they really listened and learned!
Susan B. Allen, President, Allen Resource Group, Durham, NC
It was a pleasure to meet you, too, and to hear your thoughts on personal achievement. I believe you have a point about the 25’s! I am still intrigued by your remarks on “mastering the moment.” We are placing an order for your books and will look forward to seeing your future titles emerge. I wish you every success.
Cathryn Allen, Adult Services Librarian, City of Southfield, Southfield, MI
After attending your workshop, I’m tossing out all kinds of things. I actually have closet and drawer space as well as room in my desks. My garbage men are walking around with a limp from carrying out all my “stuff”. Seriously, I’ve been looking at my things a lot differently. They now have to be worth the space they occupy, or they get relocated.
Rachel M. King, Director, Corporate Communications, IPCI Limitd, Racine, WI
Your presentation was fabulous. Our agency looks forward to an ongoing and close working relationship. Let us know when you will be presenting in the San Francisco Bay area again; we are sure there are numerous companies and associations that can profit from your seminars. We will definitely recommend you.
Stan Heimowitz, President, Celebrity Gems, Castro Valley, CA
“Excellent!” “Fantastic!” “Best SGMP meeting yet!” These are just a few of the comments from the meeting planners and suppliers who attended your presentation at the July Society of Government Meeting Planners meeting. Scheduling a speaker is often a hit or miss affair; in your case, it was a big hit. We were all impressed with your speaking style and the substance of your speech. The best compliment that can be paid to a speaker is to act on his advice, and I can tell you that several SGMP members began implementing your ideas within days after your speech. Again, “Kudos” for a very successful presentation. In closing, I’ll share a comment from one of the SGMP members, “Mr. Davidson was by far the most effective speaker I’ve ever heard!”
Beverly D. Wilson, Sales Manager Pinehurst Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, Southern Pines, NC
Thank you for an outstanding presentation at our recent luncheon. I heard nothing but positive comments regarding your program. Thanks again, and I look forward to the opportunity of working with you in the future.
Randy Lisk, President, Association Executives of N. Carolina, Garner, NC
Thank you so much for your excellent presentation to our members. Your speech marked the inaugural event of our new forum series, designed to be small-group intensive workshop programs. With your excellent presentation, we have a great start to this new endeavor, so thank you! My colleagues in the meeting planner industry are among the most hurried people I know, so your encouragement to create a breathable environment by clearing away the stacks of paper and doing one thing at a time was profound advice.
Jan Kary, CMP, Education Chair Potomac Meeting Planners International, Annapolis, MD
I enjoyed your presentation on “Breathing Space.” I have been putting your suggestions to work. Keeping my desk clear of clutter has definitely been a plus. Thanks for a great presentation.
Maria C. Hall, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce, S. Padre Island, TX
You hit the proverbial nail right square on the head when you stated that, in this day and age, there is an overabundance of communicating going on. Your program did the job; it focused on this existing situation and assisted me in realizing its pros and cons. Most importantly, it helped me to identify priorities I can implement to effect my purpose. I enjoyed your style of presentation with its interesting statistics and other related information.
Franz Schneider, Director of Food & Beverage Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
THANK YOU FOR A JOB WELL DONE! I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at Coolfont. I applaud you for being a stimulating speaker – clear, concise and to the point. Based on my experience at Coolfont and watching our guests from metropolitan areas, I feel you are right on the button in your assessment of what causes stress in our lives. I am glad you enjoyed your visit to Coolfont, and I hope you will join us again.
Carolyn R. Thomas, M.S., Director, Spa and Fitness Programs Coolfont Resort & Conference Center, Berkeley Springs, WV