Composite Praise – Sales Professionals

Sales Professionals speak about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space®: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
I attended you seminar presentation at TAP Pharmaceutical Products, Sales Operations Division, on Friday. I really enjoyed the seminar. I especially loved when you talked about the mega-realities. It really got me thinking about how I was truly using my time on a daily basis. You were very informative and I really appreciated the handouts you passed out at the end of the seminar, including your book. The information you spoke of will help me extremely in re-evaluating how I manage information, dealing with communication overload, technology and change-related anxiety, and doing more with less. The seminar was very helpful and I would recommend anyone to come listen to you. Thank you for taking the time to do this for us.
Sonya Taylor, Sales Operations TAP Pharmaceuticals, Lake Forest IL
Thank you so much for speaking to our group at our Annual Management Meeting in April. Your session on Time Management was very enjoyable as well as informative. We all came away with principals that we will be able to apply daily. I’m looking forward to working with you again.
Kathy Hood, Vice President-Sales & Revenue Management Davidson Hotel Company, Memphis, TN
You were the hit of our sales meeting in Orlando! Our group thoroughly enjoyed your presentation, and they gave you rave reviews on our meeting evaluation. Also, I have observed a number of your suggestions being put into use since the meeting. Thanks for a great job. Hope to sit in on another of your presentations here in Greensboro.
Paul Lamoureux, Manager, Customer Relations, Gilbarco, Greensboro, NC
Thanks for your honest appraisal of the world around us. It makes me feel better just knowing I’m not the only one who feels overwhelmed. With your help, I hope to find some “breathing space” today! Thanks again.
Caprice Stevenson, Conference Center Manager Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington, DC
As you know, NAPS has been blessed over the years with many outstanding, gifted speakers. Occasionally, one of their messages sticks with me and becomes part of my life. Many of you may remember Jeff Davidson, author of Breathing Space: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society, who spoke at our Sales Symposium in 1992. What follows is an excerpt from his book, which rings loud and clear in all of our lives…
Joyce Gray, President, National Association of Professional Saleswomen Washington, DC
I recently had the pleasure of hearing you speak to the Society of Government Meeting Planners in Raleigh. When I returned to work after hearing your speech, I threw away three wastebaskets of clutter, and after being asked by my assistant what color paper I preferred for the monthly calendar, I replied, “You decide.” Your presentation would no doubt be of great interest and benefit to our group. Please call me toll-free at your earliest convenience.
Beverly C. Booth, Director of Sales & Marketing, Holiday Inn, Wrightsville Beach, NC
Loved your presentation! I, too, want to wipe out all the “energy-zappers” from my daily routine. Thanks for your encouragement!
Deborah Johnston, Account Manager, BB&T Investment Services, Wilson, NC
You were very entertaining and quite informative. You really made me take a closer look at my daily, hourly and minute-to-minute routine each day. I have just started my business Steps To Success. Your tips have helped me a great deal. Thank you for your enthusiasm, creativity and charm. It was a pleasure hearing you speak and meeting you.
Vickie Hall, buy rectal diazepam Marketing Director, Peak Performance, Cary, NC
Thank you for attending the Gilbarco sales meeting in Orlando, Fl., and for your most enthusiastic and enlightening presentation on “Breathing Space.” This was one of our most enjoyable sales meetings in several years, thanks to you.
Rich Mariani, National Accounts Manager, Gilbarco, Wayne, PA
Thank you for the intriguing presentation you gave at the meeting on Friday. I have to say that I went away thinking of life with a different perspective. I think the aspect of your presentation that I enjoyed the most was that you focused on just how long each of us are expected to live! So many times people seem to focus on how short life is and how this world is going to heck that I think most people don’t realize how long they really will live. Your presentation, coupled with the serious illness of a close family member, really make it hit home how important it is to live each day to the fullest. In closing, thank you for your “fresh” outlook on the future. I took a new route to work this morning AND didn’t turn on the radio!!!
Connie L. Kissel, Sales Manager, Marriott Hotel Research Triangle, Morrisville, NC
Just a quick note to let you know rhow much I enjoyed your presentation at the November 10, 1995 AENC meeting. I definitely agree we are living a very fast-paced life. When you suggested taking time for silence and not turning on the T.V., I smirked! How could I do that? Well, Saturday, our power was out due to a severe storm. I took a deep breath, relaxed and slowed down. Any other time, I would have listened to my battery operated radio! Thanks again for your animated presentation and for reminding me to take time for me.
Lisa Pacheco, Sales Director, The Williamsburg Hospitality House, Williamsburg, VA
…it was a tremendously useful presentation–one difficult to do justice to in a written explanation. Suffice it to say your comments were useful. The audience listened. It was a good meeting.
Pete Pallard, President Sales & Marketing Executives of Metropolitan Washington, Annandale, VA
Wow! Your energy and information were top notch. I learned a new way of viewing the world and my participation in it. You gave me what I wanted, namely new and practical advice. After leaving your presentation I shared your view points with colleagues. How we manage the information age with industrial age tools was a real eye opener. I don’t think I’ll ever open my mail, read a magazine or spend my time in quite the same way as I used to. Thank you for sharing you insights in an enjoyable way at our meeting this past Saturday. I look forward to seeing you again.
Gwen Taylor, President, Taylor Management & Sales Consultants, St. Augustine, FL
Wow! My mind is still churning trying to assimilate all of the wonderful and inspiring information! I am sure this process will continue for several days. Your presentation really hit home–it was a message that I really needed to hear. I know that organization is key to my ability to work more effectively. Your presentation made me realize how critical it is that I get the tools needed to organize my office! I wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with all of us–and in particular helping me to re-focus. I really look forward to seeing you again. Please keep in touch and I look forward to hearing from you.
Nina Reel, The Guerrilla Group, Boulder, CO