Composite Praise – Spouses

Spouses and Partners comment about Jeff Davidson’s programs on Breathing Space®: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your talk at the CBAIconference in St. Louis. My husband is president of the CarlinvilleNational Bank, and I have been trying to teach him better organizationaltechniques. Your material was inspirational and very helpful.
Janie Ashworth, Carlinville, IL
My husband and I really enjoyed your presentation “Population andEthics” given November 13th for the Ethical Culture Society. I havebeen attending the society’s Sunday meetings for about 1 year, but thiswas my husband’s first visit, and there couldn’t have been a topic ofmore interest to him. I found your talk to be quite enlightening andthought provoking. You havea a great delivery style– very engaging. Ihave found myself sharing information from your talk and beginningconversations with co-workers and friends.
Patricia Daugherty, Raleigh, NC
I so enjoyed your talk at the IBAA convention. I can’t wait to shareyour information with my husband and children. Your approach to aclutter-free, organized life is much more humorous and interesting thanwhat they’re used to hearing. I’d also love a couple extra handouts yougave to everyone. I hope to see you at Okaboji (our annual state meeting).
Martha Dean Winum, Glenwood, IA
I was so glad to attend your presentation with my husband at the GeorgiaCommunity Bankers Association in Bermuda. Your topic, “BreathingSpace,” was exactly what I needed to hear in relation to my lifestyle asa full-time computer and Spanish teacher, wife, and mother of fourelementary-age children. Yes, I have been able to apply the Breathing Space Action Steps everyday to my daily activities at home and school. I am, finally, findingtime for myself, and for each family member. I also feel better! Thankyou for presenting a very useful and interesting topic.
Bunny H. Duncan, High School Teacher, Carrollton, GA
Your presentation at NTSA was full of practical information and honestrealities. I personally found it extremely helpful. John and I reallyenjoyed the opportunity to get to know you more personally and we reallyenjoyed the interactive dinner. We both look forward to seeing you again. ‘Til then…thanks forsharing your knowledge and your time.
Bette Price, President, The Price Group Marketing & Managements Consultants, Addison, TX
My wife and I really enjoyed your speech. Your handout is excellent,and I have been trying to following the advice. It is hard to changehabits, but I am starting to see the benefits.
Larry D. Maschhoff, President, The Bank of Illinois, Normal, IL