Interruption Management TM

With each passing day, career professionals everywhere are being interrupted on a more frequent basis. This results in less focus and concentration, reduced productivity, higher anxiety, and ultimately, decreased profitability. In this eye-opening presentation, Jeff Davidson paints a vivid portrait of how business and society arrived at this point and why this situation will becoming immeasurably worse if we do not take action. Most importantly, he offers specific steps we can take to manage interruptions, keep them at a reasonable level, and consistently maintain high productivity.

Interruption Management is a program that many employees and organizations want and need to hear, and it will enable leaders, managers, and executives to be at their best, enjoy the fruits of higher productivity, and still have a life after work. Don’t let your group go another day without scheduling this essential presentation. As a result of attending this program, your group members will feel more in control, be more aware of their time, get more done, leave at the end of day with more energy, and be better prepared the next day to do it all again.

Interruption ManagementTM, Presentation Topics:

  • The derivation of “interruption.”
  • What are interruptions and why are they so costly?
  • The devastating impact of interruptions
  • Why are interruptions on the rise?
  • 3 things you can do to immediately diminish the number of interruptions
  • Training your staff to interrupt you less often
  • Training your peers to interrupt you less often
  • Working with your boss so you interrupt each other less often
  • Taking control of your immediate environment
  • Establishing times of availability and invisibility
  • Interruption-based organization climates are not inevitable
  • What some organizations are doing to counteract the impact of interruptions

Flyers From Previous Presentations


CA Pacific Medical

Freeport IMC

Legacy Health

Prime Time U.

Questions Jeff Answers in his Presentation: Interruption ManagementTM

  • Are all career professionals everywhere being affected by interruptions?
  • Why are interruptions on the rise?
  • What are the long-term effects of being interrupted constantly at work?
  • Why is their impact so devastating on productivity and performance?
  • How did you establish expertise in this area?
  • Do you walk your talk, and adhere closely to your own advice?
  • In your books, you refer to “conditioning your environment.” Please explain.
  • How does stratifying potential interruptions aid in increasing your productivity?
  • How long does it take to train your staff to catagorize issues in this manner?
  • How can I focus on long term, complex tasks despite interruptions?
  • What are immediate steps for safe-guarding your personal environment?
  • What if someone has to be “on call” and still maintain high productivity?
  • What do progressive organizations do to minimize interruptions for their staffs?
  • How does the power of completions aid in getting more done each day?
  • What about interruptions outside of the workplace, while traveling, and at home?
  • What other strategies for combating interruptions are useful for our audience?
  • What is your one, last, best parting tip?

Interruption ManagementTM Articles

Supporting Articles

A Less
Cluttered Life

Clear the Way
for Productivity

Your Life



Handling Constant


I Get Interrupted
Therefore I am

Interruptions Kill


No Cell Phone
No Worries

One Thing
at a Time

Pardon the Interruption


for Our Time




When your Boss

Withstanding a Barrage

A Sampling Of Letters

Aiport Home Appliances

Carleton Group

David Arnold Asc

Davidson Hotels

Eye & Facial Ctr







Your presentation was extremely informative and significantly helpful. I have now incorporated some of the suggestions you made into my daily life. I find that my stress levels have really decreased in the past week. This was definitely a life changing experience for me.
— Olivia Piludu, Senior Clinical Research Associate, Novo Nordisk, Miami, FL

Alicia Jordan and I wanted to write and thank you so much for your presentation, “The Sixty Second Procrastinator: Time Management for College Students.” I really appreciated your insight on time management and have already attempted to keep my desk clear and carefully guard what comes across it, as you suggested. I also wanted to thank you for the idea you shared about getting over writer’s block, as I have been struggling with an article I am working on. To say your presentation was insightful in an understatement. I feel energized and ready to tackle my daily challenges in campus activities.
— Rick Gardner, Associate Director of Campus Activities, NCSU, Raleigh, NC

I attended your workshop “Powerful Do-it-Yourself Steps for Promoting Your Business,” organized by Christine Alexander. It was an excellent presentation and I have already started leveraging the lessons from that workshop into my business. You were well- organized in a setting that was less than perfect, and managed a challenging audience. You were successful at not only telling us what to do, but showing us how to do it. I highly recommend you as a speaker, workshop leader, and “getting things done” guru. I’m looking forward to reading your books. Thanks, Jeff.
— Allen Evitts, Founder and CEO, Essential Project Manager, Raleigh, NC

I really enjoyed your presentation. I work for the American Cancer Society and our division has been focusing on efficiency and productivity, making your content very timely. I have read a few of your articles as well and will be sharing them with my colleagues. Thank you for giving me the tools to better focus my time and energy, I appreciate it very much.
— Arian Haddix, Community Relations, ACS, Council Bluffs, IA

I attended your class “Time Management in an Age of Turbulence” as a PDC in Philadelphia. I found it refreshing and helpful. I am incorporating some techniques. Slowly de-cluttering.
— Nicole Bernholce, Safety and Health Services, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY

Thank you very much for your presentation on “Becoming Indispensable.” Personally, it can be a struggle not to get caught in the snare of the entitlement mentality plaguing my work environment, but your presentation reminded me that I can always do more. And from my own past experience, life is more exciting outside of the comfort zone.
— LaTanya Riddick, Department of Human Resources, Norfolk, VA

You are undoubtably one of the best speakers/presenters I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing in my career. It’s very clear that you are indeed versed in the art of training and information delivery. I was a bit concerned when I learned you would not be utilizing your slides as originally planned, but was pleasantly surprised to see someone able to speak coherently on a topic without the all too common crutch of the ubiquitous PowerPoint slide. You kept the class’s attention for a solid 8 hours – very impressive. You clearly know your topic and have a great deal of passion for the subject matter. That’s a gift.
— Jeffrey Gifford, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Yukon, OK

I enjoyed your presentation and found your “Steps to a Better Presentation” to be most helpful. I have always had a fear of public speaking. I suppose, like most people, my comfort zone is in a small setting. When I step in front of a large group, it feels as if I am in an airplane hanger. I purchased two of your books you offered at the workshop and I am looking forward to receiving your tape. I am starting a file of stories until I have plenty. Thanks again for your helpful insight.
— Priscilla Dorsey, COG transit Director, Lumberton RCG, Lumberton, NC

I was thrilled to participate in the conference. Everyone here agreed that it was money well-spent. I learned several ideas on how to better manage my time, and am starting to put them in place today. My favorite take-away information was the four levels on how to deal with constant interruptions. I’ve already used it once this morning. Achieving closure upon completing an activity is very useful information. I also enjoyed your segment on avoiding multi-tasking. I had a totally different concept of what multi-tasking is and so did others in attendance whom I spoke to. So, Jeff, all in all the conference was well worth the time. Thank you.
— Patty Buckner, Manager of Administration, Ontera, North Bay, ON

Thanks so much for an inspiring afternoon talk. While I was not looking forward to an entire afternoon hearing one person speak, you made it fun and broke it up appropriately with the 8-minute “10-minute breaks.” I also do public speaking and have picked up a few tips that may keep my audience tuned into what I have by learning from the master.
— Dennis Wedman, Employee Relations Manager, Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, Boise, ID

Thank you for your participation at this year’s conference. In terms of keeping an audience, Wednesday afternoon’s general session is always a challenge. You did a great job!
— Michael Mikitka, Director of Conference, Warehousing Education and Research Council, Oak Brook, IL

At last! Someone who practices what they preach. Can’t tell you how many times I fielded compliments for “that Jeff Davidson guy!” Thanks for being flexible enough to work with our time emergencies. You were great!
— Cindy Lawton, Member Relations, Independent Bankers of Texas, Austin, TX

Thanks for the fine presentation on Breathing Space at the Leadership Conference of the Young Bankers Division. It was amazing to me how accurately you described many of my own thoughts and the daily pitfalls I encounter. I thought, that unfortunately, these issues were unique to my chosen profession or my current position. It was eye opening to hear the statistics and to realize that the vast majority of all managers face virtually the same problems.
— R. Scott Heitkamp, President, The International Bank, Aransas Pass, TX

Your presentation at the recent IBBA Conference was excellent. It was clear and held my attention. You had a strong and interesting message coupled with specific action steps. Thank you again for a most worthwhile presentation, I am about to call our local bookstore to purchase a copy of your latest book.
— William J. McGurk, President and CEO, The Savings Bank of Rockville, CT

Thank you so much for your presentation at the Wisconsin League of Financial Institutions Annual Meeting. Your presentation, “Giving Yourself Permission to Have Breathing Space” was most informative, enthusiastic and realistic. I found your 5 reasons for the overwhelming invasion of our time to be so rational. I thought your style of presentation was as important as the message itself and you did a great job bringing the audience into it. Thanks again, Jeff, for a very informative and lively presentation.
— Michael D. Meeuwsen, President & CEO, First Northern Savings Bank, Green Bay, WI

I enjoyed the session which you presented. Your facts and statistics help underscore the points which you are emphasizing. I will think more realistically about “weeding” out the unnecessary complications in my life as a result of your remarks.
— Susan Naus, CPA, Whipple & Company, Indianapolis, IN

Thank you for the fine presentation you did for us at our annual convention in Washington, DC. Though you were the last speaker on the last morning of the four day conference, the room was filled. I am still getting compliments on your presentation, “How to Live at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped- Up Society.” We would like to have you back with us again soon. Thanks again, Jeff, for an outstanding presentation!
— Barbara A. Grothe, Senior Vice President, Society of Telecommunications Consultants, Minneapolis, MN

I have attended a lot of time management seminars before… your session was great! It was entertaining, factual and very practical. Thanks for sharing your ideas in a very worthwhile session.
— Steve Domitrecz, President, The Computer Training Center, Bethlehem, PA

I enjoyed both your general session and the concurrent break-out session. You are a very good source of information and did an excellent job presenting your information. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!
— Charla Friday, Secretary, XIT Rural Telephone Cooperative, Dalhart, TX

Thank you so much for speaking to our group at our Annual Management Meeting in April. Your session on Time Management was very enjoyable as well as informative. We all came away with principles that we will be able to apply daily. I’m looking forward to working with you again.
— Kathy Hood, Vice President-Sales & Revenue Management, Davidson Hotel Company, Memphis, TN

Our management seminar turned out to be one of the best and most informative of past years, and it was due in large part to your one-day management presentation. As expected, your approach was very well-suited to our young participants, and we feel that they gained valuable insight. We express our thanks to you for a job well done, and I will certainly think of you next year.
— Henry Brehm, Vice President, ProServ Incorporated, Washington, DC

Thanks for helping me to throw my “stress” overboard on our recent Meridian Cruise! You were a real lifesaver…good thing you were scheduled early on in the cruise so I didn’t have to carry it around any longer. I look forward to receiving Breathing Space. I need all the help I can get during these “downsizing” times. Thanks again.
— Del White, Civic Affairs Assistant, Unocal Corporation, Los Angeles, CA

I really enjoyed and appreciated your talk last week. Your presentation was one of the best I have ever attended, both in style of presentation and content of material. As a professional who runs communication skills improvement groups for business and professional leaders, I can honestly say that your speech was a classic for “how to do it!” You had the audience captivated during the entire time, which is quite a feat after lunch! In the past, we have been inundated with “quick fix” consultants in time management. You go far beyond that tactic and offer us lifetime suggestions for improvement. I threw away almost 40 bags of office garbage and now have a clean desk! I have made many of the suggested changes in my own life, and my colleagues say I am much more organized these days. Thanks!
— Dr. Celia R. Hooper, Clinic Director, Speech and Hearing Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

I attended your seminar on “Stress Management” while aboard the Celebrity cruise ship Meridian. My sister and I both enjoyed your seminar; you presented several interesting points and helpful ideas in that short time, and especially impressive to us was that you presented this information with a good sense of humor. The relaxed atmosphere was calming and as it turned out we both really benefitted from it, and have not only talked about it several times since then between ourselves, but also mentioned some of your “helpful hints” to others.
— Nancy Nelson, University of California, Davis, College of Engineering

After hearing your presentation at the Wisconsin League of Financial Institutions, I was interested in the tape you mentioned. I would be appreciative of your sending me a copy. Your presentation was thought provoking!
— Charlene DeGroot, Supervisor, Hamilton School District, Sussex, Wisconsin

I was your loud mouth attendee at the REALTORS® convention. I learned from your presentation, and I have already started adopting some of the techniques of reducing stress. I think it would be nice if it was accepted for credit by the Real Estate Commission. I hope to catch another presentation in the future.
— Jim Eastwood, Castleton Realty Company, Paris, TN

I attended your seminar presentation at TAP Pharmaceutical Products, Sales Operations Division, on Friday. I really enjoyed the seminar. I especially loved when you talked about the mega-realities. It really got me thinking about how I was truly using my time on a daily basis. You were very informative and I really appreciated the handouts you passed out at the end of the seminar, including your book. The information you spoke of will help me extremely in re-evaluating how I manage information, dealing with communication overload, technology and change-related anxiety, and doing more with less. The seminar was very helpful and I would recommend anyone to come listen to you. Thank you for taking the time to do this for us.
— Sonya Taylor, Sales Operations, TAP Pharmaceuticals, Lake Forest IL

My husband and I really enjoyed your presentation “Population and Ethics” given November 13th for the Ethical Culture Society. I have been attending the society’s Sunday meetings for about 1 year, but this was my husband’s first visit, and there couldn’t have been a topic of more interest to him. I found your talk to be quite enlightening and thought provoking. You have a a great delivery style
— very engaging. I have found myself sharing information from your talk and beginning conversations with co-workers and friends.
— Patricia Daugherty, Raleigh, NC

…it was a tremendously useful presentation–one difficult to do justice to in a written explanation. Suffice it to say your comments were useful. The audience listened. It was a good meeting.
— Pete Pallard, President, SMEI of Metropolitan Washington, Annandale, VA

I just wanted to let you know how pleased we were with the satellite course you did for us on “Breathing Space.” It was great working with someone who both met deadlines and was good about keeping me apprised of potential problems. This was particularly helpful since we were dealing with each other cross-country. You came across very well on camera, and your down-to-earth attitude and willingness to listen to suggestions made you easy to work with. I look forward to doing future programs with you.
— Raymond Fujioka, Program Coordinator, Interactive Instructional TV Network School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

You were a hit! Thank you so much, not only for gracing the Literary Friends’ author series, but for doing so with such charm and erudition. Everyone enjoyed your talk, and if you had half the pleasure that the audience did, I’d like to ask you to come again. My thanks and very best wishes for continued success.
— Margot J. Fromer, Program Coordinator, D.C. Public Library, Washington, DC

On behalf of the Homes For Living Real Estate Network, thank you for speaking at our recent convention. Your session received high marks. Everyone felt it was a great convention. Good luck with your book and keep in touch.
— Jane Shafran, Executive Vice President, Homes For Living, Fairfax, VA

I attended the Minnesota Medical Group Management meeting. I enjoyed your presentation style and the material that you spoke on. From your suggestions, I have: * made a list of my major life priorities * made a goal list (I have too many and need to narrow it down and build in accountability steps.) * hired an administrative assistant. I am designing a job description for the position that includes especially routines tasks that just take time. * planned a vacation to Boston at the end of next month * organized several areas of my home, giving away and throwing away items that I don’t need * routinely ask myself “Do I need to read this or keep this?” Thank you very much for helping me consider measures that will reduce my stress and allow me to spend time on the things that matter to me.
— Susan Santema, Practice Administrator, MultiCenter Physical Therapy, Spring Lake Park, MN

THANK YOU FOR A JOB WELL DONE! I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at Coolfont. I applaud you for being a stimulating speaker: clear, concise and to the point. Based on my experience at Coolfont and watching our guests from metropolitan areas, I feel you are right on the button in your assessment of what causes stress in our lives. I am glad you enjoyed your visit to Coolfont, and I hope you will join us again.
— Carolyn Thomas, M.S., Director, Spa and Fitness Programs Coolfont Resort & Conference Center, Berkeley Springs, WV

I enjoyed your presentation very much, and it provided me with an opportunity to look at how I deal with many things in my life, both work related and personal. I believe the knowledge I acquired will help me in the future.
— Joseph Ciaramitaro, Chief, EP/EO Division, IRS Central Region, Cincinnati, OH

I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for sharing such timely information on “How To Find Breathing Space.” As you know, the IRS is currently experiencing the trauma that comes with reorganization, downsizing and redefining roles and responsibilities. Managers are faced with numerous requests for input, choices and other decision-making processes. The information and dialogue we exchanged during your workshop definitely provided an opportunity for us to refocus on an individual basis, as well as on a corporate basis, the untapped choices we are empowered to make regarding the people in our organization, the type of information we disseminate, the amount of paper documents we still have in a supposedly paperless society, and the impact the media has on the decisions we make. I left the workshop motivated and re-energized. I admire your energy and your enthusiasm and believe it will have a permanent impact on decisions and choices I will make in the future.
— Roberta Bolton, Regional Quality Manager, IRS, Cincinnati, OH

I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at last night’s National Council of Career Women meeting. I also must tell you that I enjoy your writing style, which made me excited about hearing you speak.
— Beverly Blakey, Assistant to the Director University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center, Washington, DC

I really enjoyed your talk. Very well-timed and effective. You have a powerful presentation style.
— Carol Slater, Program Manager Learning Services Corporation, Durham, NC

What an inspiring speech! Thoroughly enjoyable. Providing a novel slant on self-help is a challenge you have met very creatively.
— Sandy Dreskin, Gaithersburg, MD

Your speech was a great way to begin the afternoon activities at the Women in Management Conference. As someone who is in need of some “breathing space” right now, I really appreciated your suggestions. I have already started reading the book.
— Brenda Summers, President, NC Equity, Raleigh, NC

I was invigorated and entranced by your presentation at our spring Leadership Conference. You provided excellent information, as well as setting the stage for consideration of the world in which we live and work.
— Alice Barnes, Keane Inc., Durham, NC