Jeff Davidson’s Keynotes and Breakout Presentations

Jeff Davidson speaks professionally to businesses, associations, institutions, health care providers, and government agencies. The premier thought leader on work-life balance issues, he is known for his extraordinarily high content, quick wit, and inspirational style. Jeff has been invited for return engagements with many groups. He’s received hundreds of letters of praise from meeting professionals and audience members. Feedback that Jeff receives includes “best of the conference,” “you’ve changed my life,” and “best speaker we’ve ever had.”

Presentations (will customize program title and length to suit)

  1. Achieving Work-Life Balance™
  2. Are You Overworked or Just Overwhelmed™
  3. Managing Information and Communication Overload®
  4. Managing the Pace With Grace®
  5. Creating More Space and Time in Your Life®

Becoming More Effective

Audience members respond

Jeff, thank you for your energetic, enthusiastic, and articulate guidelines that I am using to change my life.
—Amy King, Carolina Center for Public Service, Chapel Hill, NC

Thank you for your presentation. I like your style. You come across as fully knowledgeable on your chosen topic, with a great sense of humor and a relaxed confidence. The points made were clear, yet thought-provoking. I hope you are the one who reads this, and not someone else I haven’t even met. You must get thousands of letters!
—Lisa Long, USAA, San Antonio, TX

I was very pleasantly surprised by the presentation you made at our management meeting. As you may be aware, your presentation was on our agenda with the heading “Time Management,” and I was prepared for another boring lecture on how to better manage my time and pack more things into my day. Your approach to Breathing Space and the realities of trying to do business and have a personal life in the ’90s was refreshing and confirmed the approach I have been implementing in my own life. I look forward to seeing you again in the future and wish you continued success.
—Gary Paxton, President & CEO, Dollar Rent-A-Car, El Segundo, CA

Your ability to excite a crowd and hold their attention, particularly at the end of several intense days, is fantastic. I look forward to attending your next seminar in the not too distant future.
—Pat Baughman, Manager, Associates Relocation Management Company, Washington, DC

I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar this week at the MGMA Conference. Your one page summary as well as your easy to read book have fueled some immediate adjustments in both my work and personal life. Great job!
—Ruth N. Wallace, CEO, Proscan Imaging, Cincinnati, OH

I attended your presentation at the conference in Florida. Of all the sessions I attended, yours is the one that is making the biggest difference in my day-to-day life… Thank you for taking time to share your insights with HR and relocation professionals. I had heard some of the same before, and some is common sense, but it took your session to actually grab my attention and get me to make some changes.
—Shauna Lee-Carmichael, Compensation and Benefits, Praxair, Danbury, CT

Jeff Davidson speaks professionally to businesses, associations, institutions, health care providers, and government agencies. The premier thought leader on work-life balance issues, he is known for his extraordinarily high content, quick wit, and inspirational style. Jeff has been invited for return engagements with many groups. He’s received hundreds of letters of praise from meeting professionals and audience members. Feedback that Jeff receives includes “best of the conference,” “you’ve changed my life,” and “best speaker we’ve ever had.”

Presentations (will customize program title and length to suit)

  1. Achieving Work-Life Balance™
  2. Are You Overworked or Just Overwhelmed™
  3. Managing Information and Communication Overload®
  4. Managing the Pace With Grace®
  5. Creating More Space and Time in Your Life®

Becoming More Effective

Audience members respond

Jeff, thank you for your energetic, enthusiastic, and articulate guidelines that I am using to change my life.
—Amy King, Carolina Center for Public Service, Chapel Hill, NC

Thank you for your presentation. I like your style. You come across as fully knowledgeable on your chosen topic, with a great sense of humor and a relaxed confidence. The points made were clear, yet thought-provoking. I hope you are the one who reads this, and not someone else I haven’t even met. You must get thousands of letters!
—Lisa Long, USAA, San Antonio, TX

I was very pleasantly surprised by the presentation you made at our management meeting. As you may be aware, your presentation was on our agenda with the heading “Time Management,” and I was prepared for another boring lecture on how to better manage my time and pack more things into my day. Your approach to Breathing Space and the realities of trying to do business and have a personal life in the ’90s was refreshing and confirmed the approach I have been implementing in my own life. I look forward to seeing you again in the future and wish you continued success.
—Gary Paxton, President & CEO, Dollar Rent-A-Car, El Segundo, CA

Your ability to excite a crowd and hold their attention, particularly at the end of several intense days, is fantastic. I look forward to attending your next seminar in the not too distant future.
—Pat Baughman, Manager, Associates Relocation Management Company, Washington, DC

I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar this week at the MGMA Conference. Your one page summary as well as your easy to read book have fueled some immediate adjustments in both my work and personal life. Great job!
—Ruth N. Wallace, CEO, Proscan Imaging, Cincinnati, OH

I attended your presentation at the conference in Florida. Of all the sessions I attended, yours is the one that is making the biggest difference in my day-to-day life… Thank you for taking time to share your insights with HR and relocation professionals. I had heard some of the same before, and some is common sense, but it took your session to actually grab my attention and get me to make some changes.
—Shauna Lee-Carmichael, Compensation and Benefits, Praxair, Danbury, CT