Meeting Planners

What meeting Planners Want: Organizations are examining what they gain from their investment in meetings and in thought leaders and subject matter experts. Return on Investment analysis demands that they know what return they will achieve by retaining our services. “Your people will learn XYZ…” is not enough.

The larger issue is, “What is the payback in real terms?” In a typical event scenario, an organization pays $5,000 to $30,000 to hear a speaker for one hour. The presenter’s fee is marginal compared to the overall cost.

Meeting planners want leading-edge programs that represent highly valuable and relevant content, expertly delivered. Further, they want presentations with take home value that can be applied quickly to improve results. Content is king. Education trumps motivation.

Handling Too Many Choices

“People today are experiencing extreme anxiety when shopping for leisure goods.” Speaking about the confusion caused by too many choices, here is an example of what Jeff can do for your company.

Mastering Change

Change intimidates us, and in our world with nothing but change, Jeff speaks about how, with enough persistence, anyone can grow accustomed to it, large or minute.

Interruption Management

The typical professional is interrupted more and more with everything fighting for their attention. In this video, Jeff lays out how occassional interruptions are worse than they seem.

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