Spicing Up Your Sex Life

Perhaps you need to have a more satisfying sex life with your spouse. Hey, lots of couples do. Here are some quick ideas that have worked for many couples and are bound to work for you.

Alternate Who’s in Command

Choose a goal of alternating who gets to be in command, perhaps for one evening of lovemaking every other week. In other words, one of you has to serve the other, fulfilling every wish. The other has to be very gracious as he or she accepts such devoted attention.

Get Kinky

If you haven’t done anything kinky lately, or anything kinky at all, try it. May I suggest experimenting with bondage, something in the bathtub, or something in a closet? You figure out the details.

Make it a Blockbuster Night…

…Or at least start out that way. There are several soft pornography films available at your local video store, or available on demand on your TV designed to arouse both men and women. You might start watching them while naked on a sheet on the floor, or on a couch with the remote nearby, so you can flick the TV off as the live action takes precedence over what’s on the screen.

Auto Sex

Head out to the car one evening. I know, I know: You haven’t done this in years, there’s hardly any room, and what if somebody passes by? Still, it’s exciting to recapture those early days of your relationship or sexual escapades when you had no legitimate place to go, and the back seat of your car was the hottest spot in town.

If you set a goal to do this even once a month between, say, May and September, you could be in for a whole lot of fun. You probably won’t be able to use the missionary position, but you won’t miss it.

Every Room in the House

Get started sometimes in a different room than the bedroom. The kitchen works well, and dens, living rooms, dining rooms, and even bathrooms have been put to great use by couples looking for excitement.

If you have lots of kids or older children, perhaps you’ll have to rent a hotel room. More power to you. You can have a lot of fun once turn off your cellphones, pull the blinds, and retreat from the world. Many major hotel chains have highly affordable weekend packages designed specifically for customers who live nearby. What about setting a goal to do this twice a year? It will spice up your relationship, or your money back.