Topic List

Mastering Information and Communication Overload®

Data, data everywhere, but not a thought to think! Do too many interruptions, too much reading, or too much to keep pace with plague you at work and diminish your enjoyment of life? If so, go from glut to gain. Learn how to become your own information highway, use information for maximum gain, and keep the din at a manageable level, so you can spend more time doing the things you enjoy. This program, designed for organizations whose key staff members face a daily glut of too much competing for their attention, offers essential tools for continual improvement.

Mastering Your To-Do List

To-do lists have been with us since the earliest days of humankind. Everyone has one, in one form or another. In this riveting section, mega-author and professional speaker Jeff Davidson discusses how to master your daily to-do list, how to construct it, what it should contain, what it should not contain, how to transfer what’s left to the next day, and, most importantly, the psychological strokes you need to give yourself for accomplishing the items on your to-do list. If you’re like most career professionals, you face unending interruptions and the unrelenting burden of having to handle one thing after another. As a result of attending this session, you’ll feel more at ease and much more confident in tackling what needs to be done.

Managing The Pace With Grace®

Is today’s typical working professional: Overworked, Underworked, Energetic or Lazy? The best answer is “none of the above.” The root of the time-pressure we feel and the leisure we lack is not “too much work.” There are larger, more basic, converging issues. We can handle longer hours; it’s unending interruptions and everything else competing for our attention that leaves us feeling overwhelmed, hence feeling overworked. We can, however, maintain the pace with grace — even under pressure! buy xanax bar This action-packed program lays out Breathing Space strategies and techniques for effectiveness that anyone can quickly master.

Managing Multiple Priorities

We live in an era of belt-tightening, where shrinking budgets are a long-term, non-cyclical, phenomenon. Many career professionals today are asked and expected to do more while not being afforded any greater organizational resources. Such efforts can take their toll. Learn innovative ways to manage multiple priorities, including hand tools, power tools, and cerebral tools; the multiple-priority grid system; conditioning your environment; and more to achieve high productivity and notable results.

Creating More Space and Time In Your Life™

Have a leisure seizure with the executive’s guide to spare time! Would you like to spend more time with friends or on hobbies or get away for more weekend trips? Merely living in the Internet age and participating in society guarantees that your time and physical, emotional, and spiritual energy will be depleted if you lack the proper vantage point from which to manage interruptions, approach each day, and conduct your life. Learn the principles for creating the space and time you want to have while bringing fun back into your life.

Staying Competitive In A World Of Rapid Change™

Everywhere you look there are life-long career professionals losing confidence in their ability to stay competitive in our rapidly changing society. Concurrently, no one in society has a long-term lock on any market niche and no body of information affords a strategic competitive advantage for very long. The reality of our times is that everyone is feeling at least a little unsure of himself and in that sense everyone is in the same boat. Even Tom Peters says it’s normal to be confused. In this spellbinding presentation, Jeff Davidson lays out what confident people do to maintain confidence independent of the frequency of change and interruptions to which they’re exposed, and how they maintain a sense of breathing space along the way. If you work for a living, you won’t want to miss hearing this.