Why Procrastination?

Procrastination plagues business executives and entrepreneurs, retirees, students, and everyone else in between. Even if you’re a committed procrastinator, certainly there are some areas in which you shine. Thankfully, no one procrastinates on everything, and each of us have a bevy of work-related tasks where we practically never procrastinate.Researchers have discovered that procrastinators are often those types of individuals who reflexively “give up” too easily, which is most of us on selected occasions. They may also be perfectionists, continually seeking autonomy and approval, and may have a high fear of failure.

Some people procrastinate because they are leery of the high-stake tasks they face. Too easily, these people let themselves get down. Luckily, you’re not like that….

Institutional Impediments

In today’s workplace, unfortunately, the widespread installation of cubicles has greatly contributed to the noise and confusion that permeates the modern workplace and has made Scott Adams, author of Dilbert, a rich man. Working all day in an environment that is ripe with noisy distractions from co-workers does little to help the individual whose powers of concentration are already strained.

Too many office environments today contribute to procrastination. With so much bombarding us all the time, you have to wonder: Will attention spans, concentration, and focus ever be what they used to be? Will we be pulled in so many different directions that the ability to stick to a single task will become obsolete?

If You’re So Inclined

Certainly if you’re unfocused and have a high proclivity to procrastinate, the means at your disposal is immaterial. While the web, social networking sites, and cell phone are but a few of a long line of vehicles that procrastinators have employed, in the rice bowl of life they are but meager kernels.

In the future there will be other, even more enticing distractions on the market, such as highly interactive, conversant imaginary friends….

Identify the Real Issue

Leaving things incomplete helps induce a climate in which other things are left incomplete. The more incompletions, big and small all around you, the harder it is to get started on anything. Procrastination becomes the norm. Give https://www.azns.org/ambien-zolpidem/ yourself the mental edge by engaging incompletions, even on the smallest of accomplishments, and one after another, mow them down. When you identify some of the reasons behind procrastination, you have a much better chance of getting past them and getting started than if you didn’t fathom the issues. If you’re honest with yourself and acknowledge when you’re procrastinating, you’re all the more closer to taking useful action.

Find Out Why

Sometimes the real issue why you can’t get started on something is because you haven’t identified some lingering issues that are impacting your feelings.
  • Perhaps you’re ambivalent about the task.
  • Perhaps you think it’s unnecessary or unworthy of you.
  • Perhaps you resent doing it, i.e. you weren’t able to say no in the first place, and now you have to make good on your earlier promises.
Whatever the reason, when you identify some of the reasons behind procrastination, you have a much better chance of getting past them and getting started than when you don’t articulate the issues to yourself and remain in a quandary.

How Can You Solve the Problem?

If the fears you experience in certain situations are holding you back, try one or more of the following tips:
  • Permit yourself to experience the fear of whatever task you’ve been delaying, and you actually set yourself up to more readily initiate the task at hand. So, delve into the fear, don’t mask it!
  • Use employee empowering language when you find yourself reticent to begin a task that needs to be completed. Use phrases such as “I will,” “I choose,” “I want,” and “I’ll be happy to.” Say them aloud to yourself.
Another option when you can’t get started: identify a wise, trusted guide or mentor who can give you a jump-start — often simply an encouraging word where it’s seldom heard. This kind of assistance can make all the difference in the world to you and keep the sky from being cloudy all day.

Whether it be a mentor, a friend or empowering language, find the method that best helps you start a task and remain on course.